Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


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The Third Step of Inductive Bible Study is Asking, "What Does this Passage Say?"

Observation is taking a careful look of what is going on. And we have to know what is going on before we can act on a plan or action. Bible students must know the Word themselves before they can teach it. Start with the simple questions and as you progress you will start to see more and ask more. Not every question will apply to every passage, perhaps only a couple will out of dozens. Remember, these are just tools; He is the means and reason why we study.
A paradox is an apparent contradiction that under careful study reveals a deeper truth.
Podemos conocer la Biblia completa, y ser totalmente transformados por la Palabra; pero si los resultados no son visibles, el cambio carece de significado y es casi inutil. Este es uno de los puntos mas importantes del libro de Santiago...
God calls us as pastors and church leaders to be a people who shepherd.

Being a Shepherd also means being God's commissioned leader; our Guide is Jesus the Holy One who gently leads us and guides His leaders to care for His flock, the Church. Consider that Jesus comes to us as the Good Shepherd, also a name for Jesus, to rescue His lost sheep. We have all gone astray and have given in to sin; He brings us back to His fold...
Hijo mio, si recibieres mis palabras, y mis mandamientos guardares
adentro de ti, haciendo estar atento tu oído a la sabiduria; si inclinares tu corazón a la prudencia, si clamares a la inteligencia, y a la prudencia dié res tu voz; si como a la plata buscares, y la escrudinares como a tesoros, entonces entenderás el temor de Jehova, y hallarás el conocimento de Dios.
When we take careful view of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, we see three areas of responsibility that we are called to do. John 15 expresses these three priorities all together beautifully, and I list several other passages that support these essential priorities, just turn to a concordance and see for yourself. Out of these priorities, we can take God's Word and contextualize it to the streets and to the direct needs of the people, so they can come to the knowledge of our Lord.
God calls us to confess!

We need to look to God's Word as the primary example for our interpersonal relationships and to the ways we confront, extol, and exhort people with love and care. There are scores of examples of conflict in Scripture and how it was handled properly and improperly.
How is the Bible different from any other book? Look at the evidence…

If the Bible claims to be the Word of God. It is a special book. This leads to a very personal question...What does it mean to you?
The study of the Bible matters!

Do you realize that if you are a Christian, and have read the entire Bible, you are in the minority? Does this scare you? Well, it should! If you study the Bible yourself, you are in an even greater minority that even most pastors do not fall into! Yet, all of them would have an opinion of the Bible, teach, and make decisions based on their understanding of the Bible.
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

We are called to learn and develop faith because faith is essential and of the utmost importance for every aspect of the Christian life. Without faith, we can do nothing! As Christians, especially those who are responsible for the education and care of others, we are called to build our spiritual formation from...

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