Through the Bible
By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
Into Thy Word, Through the Bible, Bible Reading Guide!
With this Bible Reading guide, you can go though the Bible verse by verse and Book by Book in one year. You also may start this plan any time and progress at your pace too.
Into Thy Word, Through the Bible, Bible Reading Guide!
With this Bible Reading guide, you can go though the Bible verse by verse and Book by Book in one year. You also may start this plan any time and progress at your pace too.
Week |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
1 |
Genesis 1-3 |
Genesis 4-7 |
Genesis 8-11 |
Genesis 12-16 |
Genesis 17-19 |
Genesis 20-23 |
Genesis 24-25 |
2 |
Genesis 26-28 |
Genesis 29-30 |
Genesis 31-33 |
Genesis 34-36 |
Genesis 37-39 |
Genesis 40-42 |
Genesis 43-45 |
3 |
Genesis 46-47 |
Genesis 48-50 |
Exodus 1-4 |
Exodus 5-7 |
Exodus 8-10 |
Exodus 11-13 |
Exodus 14-16 |
4 |
Exodus 17-20 |
Exodus 21-23 |
Exodus 24-27 |
Exodus 28-30 |
Exodus 31-34 |
Exodus 35-37 |
Exodus 38-40 |
5 |
Leviticus 1-4 |
Leviticus 5-7 |
Leviticus 8-11 |
Leviticus 12-14 |
Leviticus 15-17 |
Leviticus 18-20 |
Leviticus 21-23 |
6 |
Leviticus 24-25 |
Leviticus 26-27 |
Numbers 1-2 |
Numbers 3-4 |
Numbers 5-6 |
Numbers 7-8 |
Numbers 9-11 |
7 |
Numbers 12-14 |
Numbers 15-17 |
Numbers 18-20 |
Numbers 21-23 |
Numbers 24-26 |
Numbers 27-30 |
Numbers 31-33 |
8 |
Numbers 34-36 |
Deuteronomy 1-2 |
Deuteronomy 3-4 |
Deuteronomy 5-7 |
Deuteronomy 8-11 |
Deuteronomy 12-15 |
Deuteronomy 16-19 |
9 |
Deuteronomy 20-23 |
Deuteronomy 24-27 |
Deuteronomy 28-29 |
Deuteronomy 30-31 |
Deuteronomy 32-34 |
Joshua 1-4 |
Joshua 5-7 |
10 |
Joshua 8-10 |
Joshua 11-14 |
Joshua 15-18 |
Joshua 19-21 |
Joshua 22-24 |
Judges 1-3 |
Judges 4-5 |
11 |
Judges 6-8 |
Judges 9-11 |
Judges 12-15 |
Judges 16-18 |
Judges 19-21 |
Ruth 1-4 |
1 Samuel 1-3 |
12 |
1 Samuel 4-7 |
1 Samuel 8-10 |
1 Samuel 11-13 |
1 Samuel 14-15 |
1 Samuel 16-17 |
1 Samuel 18-20 |
1 Samuel 21-24 |
13 |
1 Samuel 25-27 |
1 Samuel 28-31 |
2 Samuel 1-3 |
2 Samuel 4-7 |
2 Samuel 8-11 |
2 Samuel 12-13 |
2 Samuel 14-15 |
14 |
2 Samuel 16-18 |
2 Samuel 19-20 |
2 Samuel 21-22 |
2 Samuel 23-24 |
1 Kings 1-2 |
1 Kings 3-5 |
1 Kings 6-7 |
15 |
1 Kings 8-9 |
1 Kings 10-12 |
1 Kings 13-15 |
1 Kings 16-18 |
1 Kings 19-20 |
1 Kings 21-22 |
2 King 1-3 |
16 |
2 Kings 4-5 |
2 Kings 6-8 |
2 Kings 9-11 |
2 Kings 12-14 |
2 Kings 15-17 |
2 Kings 18-20 |
2 Kings 21-23 |
17 |
2 Kings 24-25 |
1 Chronicles 1-2 |
1 Chronicles 3-5 |
1 Chronicles 6-7 |
1 Chronicles 8-10 |
1 Chronicles 11-13 |
1 Chronicles 14-16 |
18 |
1 Chronicles 17-20 |
1 Chronicles 21-23 |
1 Chronicles 24-26 |
1 Chronicles 27-29 |
2 Chronicles 1-4 |
2 Chronicles 5-7 |
2 Chronicles 8-11 |
19 |
2 Chronicles 12-16 |
2 Chronicles 17-19 |
2 Chronicles 20-22 |
2 Chronicles 23-25 |
2 Chronicles 26-29 |
2 Chronicles 30-32 |
2 Chronicles 33-34 |
20 |
2 Chronicles 35-36 |
Ezra 1-4 |
Ezra 5-7 |
Ezra 8-10 |
Nehemiah 1-4 |
Nehemiah 5-7 |
Nehemiah 8-10 |
21 |
Nehemiah 11-13 |
Esther 1-4 |
Esther 5-10 |
Job 1-4 |
Job 5-8 |
Job 9-12 |
Job 13-17 |
22 |
Job 18-21 |
Job 22-26 |
Job 27-30 |
Job 31-34 |
Job 35-38 |
Job 39-42 |
Psalms 1-7 |
23 |
Psalms 8-14 |
Psalms 15-18 |
Psalms 19-24 |
Psalms 25-30 |
Psalms 31-34 |
Psalms 35-37 |
Psalms 38-42 |
24 |
Psalms 43-48 |
Psalms 49-54 |
Psalms 55-60 |
Psalms 61-67 |
Psalms 68-71 |
Psalms 72-75 |
Psalms 76-78 |
25 |
Psalms 79-84 |
Psalms 85-89 |
Psalms 90-95 |
Psalms 96-102 |
Psalms 103-105 |
Psalms 106-108 |
Psalms 109-115 |
26 |
Psalms 116-118 |
Psalms 119 |
Psalms 120-131 |
Psalms 132-138 |
Psalms 139-144 |
Psalms 145-150 |
Proverbs 1-3 |
27 |
Proverbs 4-7 |
Proverbs 8-10 |
Proverbs 11-13 |
Proverbs 14-16 |
Proverbs 17-19 |
Proverbs 20-22 |
Proverbs 23-25 |
28 |
Proverbs 26-28 |
Proverbs 29-31 |
Ecclesiastes 1-4 |
Ecclesiastes 5-8 |
Ecclesiastes 9-12 |
Song of Solomon 1-4 |
Song of Solomon 5-8 |
29 |
Isaiah 1-3 |
Isaiah 4-6 |
Isaiah 7-9 |
Isaiah 10-13 |
Isaiah 14-16 |
Isaiah 17-21 |
Isaiah 22-25 |
30 |
Isaiah 26-28 |
Isaiah 29-31 |
Isaiah 32-34 |
Isaiah 35-37 |
Isaiah 38-40 |
Isaiah 41-42 |
Isaiah 43-44 |
31 |
Isaiah 45-47 |
Isaiah 48-50 |
Isaiah 51-53 |
Isaiah 54-57 |
Isaiah 58-60 |
Isaiah 61-64 |
Isaiah 65-66 |
32 |
Jeremiah 1-3 |
Jeremiah 4-5 |
Jeremiah 6-8 |
Jeremiah 9-11 |
Jeremiah 12-14 |
Jeremiah 15-17 |
Jeremiah 18-21 |
33 |
Jeremiah 22-23 |
Jeremiah 24-26 |
Jeremiah 27-29 |
Jeremiah 30-31 |
Jeremiah 32-34 |
Jeremiah 35-37 |
Jeremiah 38-41 |
34 |
Jeremiah 42-45 |
Jeremiah 46-48 |
Jeremiah 49 |
Jeremiah 50 |
Jeremiah 51-52 |
Lamentations 1-2 |
Lamentations 3-5 |
35 |
Ezekiel 1-4 |
Ezekiel 5-9 |
Ezekiel 10-13 |
Ezekiel 14-16 |
Ezekiel 17-19 |
Ezekiel 20-21 |
Ezekiel 22-23 |
36 |
Ezekiel 24-26 |
Ezekiel 27-28 |
Ezekiel 29-31 |
Ezekiel 32-33 |
Ezekiel 34-36 |
Ezekiel 37-39 |
Ezekiel 40-42 |
37 |
Ezekiel 43-45 |
Ezekiel 46-48 |
Daniel 1-2 |
Daniel 3-4 |
Daniel 5-6 |
Daniel 7-9 |
Daniel 10-12 |
38 |
Hosea 1-4 |
Hosea 5-9 |
Hosea 10-14 |
Joel 1-3 |
Amos 1-3 |
Amos 4-6 |
Amos 7-9 |
39 |
Obadiah & Jonah |
Micah 1-4 |
Micah 5-7 |
Nahum 1-3 |
Habakkuk 1-3 |
Zephaniah 1-3 |
Haggai 1-2 |
40 |
Zechariah 1-6 |
Zechariah 7-10 |
Zechariah 11-14 |
Malachi 1-4 |
Matthew 1-4 |
Matthew 5-7 |
Matthew 8-9 |
41 |
Matthew 10-12 |
Matthew 13-14 |
Matthew 15-17 |
Matthew 18-20 |
Matthew 21-22 |
Matthew 23-24 |
Matthew 25-26 |
42 |
Matthew 27-28 |
Mark 1-3 |
Mark 4-6 |
Mark 7-9 |
Mark 10-13 |
Mark 14-16 |
Luke 1 |
43 |
Luke 2-3 |
Luke 4-5 |
Luke 6-7 |
Luke 8-9 |
Luke 10-11 |
Luke 12-13 |
Luke 14-16 |
44 |
Luke 17-18 |
Luke 19-20 |
Luke 21-22 |
Luke 23-24 |
John 1-3 |
John 4-5 |
John 6-7 |
45 |
John 8-9 |
John 10-11 |
John 12-13 |
John 14-15 |
John 16-17 |
John 18-19 |
John 20-21 |
46 |
Acts 1-2 |
Acts 3-4 |
Acts 5-6 |
Acts 7-8 |
Acts 9-12 |
Acts 13-16 |
Acts 17-19 |
47 |
Acts 20-23 |
Acts 24-28 |
Romans 1-3 |
Romans 4-7 |
Romans 8-10 |
Romans 11-13 |
Romans 14-16 |
48 |
1 Corinthians 1-4 |
1 Corinthians 5-9 |
1 Corinthians 10-13 |
1 Corinthians 14-16 |
2 Corinthians 1-4 |
2 Corinthians 5-7 |
2 Corinthians 8-10 |
49 |
2 Corinthians 11-13 |
Galatians 1-3 |
Galatians 4-6 |
Ephesians 1-3 |
Ephesians 4-6 |
Philippians 1-4 |
Colossians 1-4 |
50 |
1 Thessalonians 1-3 |
1 Thessalonians 4-5 |
2 Thessalonians 1-3 |
1 Timothy 1-6 |
2 Timothy 1-4 |
Titus & Philemon |
Hebrews 1-4 |
51 |
Hebrews 5-7 |
Hebrews 8-10 |
Hebrews 11-13 |
James 1-5 |
1 Peter 1-5 |
2 Peter 1-3 |
1 John 1-5 |
52 |
2 John, 3 John & Jude |
Revelation 1-3 |
Revelation 4-7 |
Revelation 8-12 |
Revelation 13-16 |
Revelation 17-19 |
Revelation 20-22 |
© Into Thy Word 1979, permission is granted for "no sell" distribution of this Bible plan. Inspired from "Young Life" Bible reading plan and developed further for "Campus Crusade for Christ"
It is a simple how to guide to help you dig into God's Word, the Bible.
Into Thy Word is geared toward challenging you to learn how to better study the Bible! We seek to teach people to use logic induction, reasoning and good inductive and deductive principles by examining the particulars, facts and essence of a text first before making any conclusions. Thus, to lead a mature, meaningful, fruitful, character driven life for Christ's glory!
Apocalyptic, as a term in the common vernacular or dictionary definition, means something that is written in an ominous, threatening way. It is scary, thwarting, and about boding evil. The dictionary tells us it is presaging people of imminent disaster, exaggerated predictions, or allusions of the Last Days. However, this is not what it meant in the original Greek or Hebrew or in the time this term was penned. What did it mean? It means...
The Bible is not one book it is a ibrary of sixty-six books that were written over a period of more than a 1,500 years by many different authors. These authors were inspired in their thinking and writing by the Holy Spirit Thus the Bible is the inspired Word of God without error. It also has the human touch from its authors. Paul is different than David, who is different than James or Moses. So there style and personality comes out to us. These create the marvelous depth and wonder of Scripture and of how God chooses to use us when...