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God's Wonder
What is your church up to this Christmas season?

Our call is to live for Christ, and we do this when we live in Christ, reaching for others through Christ,. But first, we have to take a serious, self-introspective examination to see how well we display Christ.
This may sound strange, but this article was originally a funeral sermon. This is about the legacy we leave when we pass on, into heaven and God's wonders, rest, and rewards-how we live and then hand down hope by the way we lived and how we touched others. However, as I have done this sermon over the years, I could not help noticing and even be convicted by the Holy Spirit that this is also about building a successful church...
Had Jesus become a dangerous liberal with new ideas, when he argued against the orthodoxy of his day in the Sermon on the Mount? His "But I say unto you...." condemned what had become their traditional teaching. Even the disciples were stunned. He called little children into his audience. Once he pushed off his own family, mother included, when preaching to the crowd about the kingdom to come.
Estudio Inductivo del Libro de Juan CapĂ­tulo 9

Using the Mind that God Gave Us!

God has given us a wonderful gift in knowing God's Will; our mind! We have the ability to process information and to discern our situation. Yet, this is a difficult task. We tend to like the easy way out which does not involve too much thought. This is a result of our fast paced and fast food society, where we want the burger NOW! And we want our information now too.
The Eight Step of Inductive Bible Study is, "WRITE IT DOWN!"

A book chart will help you greatly! This is the step where you keep track of what you learn. By writing it down in an organized fashion, God's Word will become more clear and crisp. We are able to record what God says to us, this way we will be able to take more ownership and then greater transformation. Then can look back and see God at work in our lives and this will be a great encouragement in times of struggle, and in times of joy. Plus, now you have notes to refer back to and even teach from!
These are tumultuous times, and our nation and the world desperately need prayer. This prayer guide is only a suggestion to help guide you as you pray. No matter how you chose to pray, please keep in mind that desperate times require desperate, heartfelt prayers, which are passionately cried out to our Lord! (Hebrews 4:16)

Here is Prayer Guide your church can use.
A Prayer for Deliverance
Our education no longer tells us something about the sweep of human drama through time and in different places. It no longer invites us to enter a foreign culture through its language and religion. It does not teach us that perspective is a concept that binds mathematics, philosophy and art together in a bundle of perception. There is little thrill and frustration in the discovery of the continuity of human history.
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