Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105

Bible Study Notes

Revelation Outline

By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
This is a basic outline overview of the Book of Revelation
This is a basic outline overview of the Book of Revelation


I.        Introduction (1:1-8)


a.   Prologue (1:1-3)

b.   Greetings and Doxology (1:4-5)

i. Benediction

c.   Praise (5-8)

i. Announcement of Christ's coming (1:7)

ii. The Lord's Supremacy (1:8)


II.      Visions (1:9-22:5)


a.   Jesus extortions to the Seven Churches (2-3)

i. Ephesus (2:1-7)

ii. Smyrna (2:8-11)

iii. Pergamum (2:12-17)

iv. Thyatira (2:18-29)

v.  Sardis (3:1-6)

vi. Philadelphia (3:7-13)

vii. Laodicea (3:14-22)


b.   The First Series of Heavenly Visions (4-8)

i. The Throne (4)

ii.The Seven-Sealed Scroll (5:1-5)

iii. God is King, The Worthy Lamb Slain (5:6-14)


c.   Opening the Six Seals (6:1-17)

i. First Seal: The White Horse (6:1-2)

ii.Second Seal: The Red Horse (6:3-4)

iii. Third Seal: The Black Horse (6:5-6)

iv. Fourth Seal: The Pale Horse (6:7-8)

v. Fifth Seal: The Martyrs under the Altar (6:9-11)

vi. Sixth Seal: The Cataclysmic Earthquake (6:12-17)


d.   The Care of the Saints (7)

i. The Sealing of the 144,000 (7:1-8)

ii. The Great Multitude (7:9-17)


e.   Seventh Seal: Silence in Heaven (8:1)


f.    Second Series of Visions of the Seven Angels/Trumpets (8:2-11:19)

i.  The Seven Angels before God (8:2-5)

ii.  First Trumpet: Hail and Fire Mixed with Blood; Third of   vegetation destroyed (8:6-7)

iii. Second Trumpet: A Mountain Thrown into the Sea; Third of the sea creatures and ships destroyed (8:8-9)

iv. Third Trumpet: Star Wormwood; Third of rivers and springs become bitter (8:10-11)

v. Fourth Trumpet: A Third of the Sun, Moon, and Stars Struck (8:12-13)

vi. Fifth Trumpet: The Plague of Locusts (9:1-12)

vii. Sixth Trumpet: Release of the Four Angels (9:13-21)

viii. The Angel and the Little Scroll (10)

ix. The Two Witnesses (11:1-14)

x. Seventh Angel blows the Trumpet: Judgments and Rewards; The victory of Christ and His Kingdom Proclaimed (11:15-19)


g.   Third Series of Visions of Great Conflict of Personages and Events (12:1-14:20)  

i. The Woman and the Dragon (12)

ii. The Two Beasts and False Prophet (13)

iii. The Beast from the sea (13:1-10)

iv. The Beast from the land (13:11-18)

v. The Lamb and the 144,000, Mount Zion (14:1-5)

vi. The Proclamations of Care of the Saints, Harvest of the Earth (14:6-20)


h.   The Fourth Series of Visions, Seven Bowls, God's Wrath (15-16)

i. The Song of Moses and the Seven Angels with the Seven Plagues (15)

ii. First Bowl: Ugly and Painful Sores; Worshipped the Beast (16:1-2)

iii. Second Bowl: Sea Turns to Blood (16:3)

iv. Third Bowl: Rivers and Springs of Water become Blood; All Sea Creatures Die (16:4-7)

v. Fourth Bowl: Sun Scorches People with Fire (16:8-9)

vi. Fifth Bowl: Pain and Darkness (16:10-11)

vii. Sixth Bowl: Euphrates River Dries Up; Three Unclean Spirits Gather the Kingdoms of the Earth for the Battle at Armageddon (16:12-16)

viii. Seventh Bowl: Cataclysmic Events; Tremendous Earthquake; The Great City Divided; Babylon is Remembered, (16:17-21) 


i.    The Fifth Series of Visions; Judgment on Babylon and Vindication of the Church (17:1-19:10)

i. Babylon The Great Prostitute; Scarlet Woman and the Scarlet Beast (17)

ii. The Fall of Babylon Proclaimed and Mourned (18)

iii. Praise in Heaven for Babylon's Fall (19:1-5)

iv. Praise for the Wedding of the Lamb (19:6-10)


j.    The Sixth Series of Visions, The Final Battle (19:11-21)

i. The Defeat of Satan and Evil (19:11-21)

ii. The Return of Christ (19:11-21)

iii.Christ the Victorious Warrior and King of Kings (19:11-21)


k.   The Seventh Series of Visions; Reign of the Saints; and the Last Judgment (20:1-22:5)

i. The Thousand Years; Satan is Bound, While Those Martyred Reign with Christ (20:1-6)

ii. Satan Released to Deceive the Nations Once More, but is Finally Defeated Once for All; Satan's Doom (20:7-10)

iii.Great White Throne Judgment (20:11-15)


l.    Our Eternal Destiny (21:1-22:5)

i. The New Heaven and New Earth; the New Jerusalem; God Dwelling With His People (21:1-8)

ii. The New Jerusalem (21:9-27)

iii.The Water of Life; The Tree of Life; and The Throne of God and the Lamb (22:1-5)


III.    Conclusion; Final Exhortations (22:6-21)


a.   The time is near, do not seal up the Book (22:6-11)

b.   The testimony of Jesus, the Spirit, and the Bride (22:12-17)

c.   Warning not to tamper with the Book, and closing Blessing (22:18-21)


Theme Verse: They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings ¾ and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers. (Revelation 17:14)



© 2005 Richard J. Krejcir Ph.D. Into Thy Word Ministries  

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