Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105



By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
Do people treat you unfairly? Have you ever wondered why? Well, we live in a fallen world, and we are all filled with sin. Sin affects our relationships, the way you treat people and the way they treat you. Yet even in sin we have the choice to make a difference. So are you?


ROMANS 12:1-3
Do people treat you unfairly? Have you ever wondered why?
Well, we live in a fallen world, and we are all filled with sin. Sin affects our relationships, the way you treat people and the way they treat you. Yet even in sin we have the choice to make a difference. So are you?
Perhaps you need to check this list of do's and don'ts, and maybe there is a flaw in your spiritual walk. 
• DO Smile it costs nothing and is always appreciated!

• DON'T ignore people even when you don't want to talk, be friendly when some says "Hello"!

• DO make people feel important. Make each person feel that they are special!

• DON'T Brag! No one likes a person who is full of themselves! Be an honest person!

• DO have sense of humor! Laugh and people will laugh with you, cry and you cry alone!

• DON'T always have problems, troubles or always need help, or you will soon be alone!

• DO encourage people! Tell others what you like about them or when they are doing well.

• DON'T criticize or cut down people, even yourself!

• DO have an interest in many things. Be an interesting person!

• DON'T grab the best, biggest, and most for yourself give others a break!

• DO meet, strangers, it's hard. You can make a great friend by being friendly to someone you might not know!

• DON'T make fun of others when they make a mistake or do something dumb!

• DO help others when they have a problem and share what you have with others!

• DON'T have a bad temper, or be an angry person looking for an argument or fight!

• DO look good, clean, neat, & well groomed!

• DON'T blame others for their mistakes or worse, for yours!

• DO keep a confidence. If someone tells you something keep it to yourself!

• DON'T be too cool! Cool people are never popular people, they are too cool!

• DO listen and be an encourager!

• DON'T over correct people!

• DO take a joke and be a good sport!

• DO remember names! 

• DON'T be loud and obnoxious! DO be yourself.

• DO thank people!
Sit back and close your eyes, and visualize your spiritual pilgrimage, that is growth.

• What is your first memory of God?
• What was the highest time in your relationship with God?
• What was the lowest time?

Now on a piece of paper draw a graph by years since you were born until today, and mark the ups and downs. Do another graph using the same years and chart how you treated people, your family, your friends, people at church, and strangers.

 What were the results? Usually when we treat others well they reciprocate and treat us well too.

(c) 1984 R.J. Krejcir  

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