Understanding and Implementing Communion.
Communion means we are to Celebrate the Lord's Supper/Communion. This was instituted by Jesus on the night before His Crucifixion. He told the Disciples that the cup of wine...
Read the Bible in a Year is a plan to guide your daily Bible reading. It's design allows you to pace yourself and to begin reading at any point of the year (not just January 1st).
To help you stay on schedule, consider enhancing your Bible reading by listening to the Bible being read on cassette as you daily drive in your car, exercise, or work around the house. You can purchase this, or borrow it from a library, or record it for yourself into a tape recorder!
Jesus Helps in our Struggle of Faith!
Understanding the Importance of Spiritual Gifts!
Spiritual Gifts are alive and well both in the Church and in the world. They are not from a bygone era or only for certain Denominations or individuals; they are for you and your church!
His ultimate answer, His resurrection, ascension, and outpoured spirit...
The Bible is the most important and essential book in history because it is God's Word and His revelation of Himself, His precepts and His purpose for our lives. As a Christian you cannot and must not function without it! Here is a Bible reading plan to help you discover the Bible's full message in a good systematic way. With this plan you can read the entire Bible, all 66 books, the entire Old Testament once and the New Testament twice in one year! An average reader can do this in less than a half an hour each day, most in 20 minutes. This is a similar plan as the ever so popular "One Year Bible" by Tyndale, which we also highly recommend. We recommend the NIV or the NLT (reads faster) for this plan.
Arrest and Betrayal
Understanding God's call to us with Spiritual Gifts
Now that I am a Christian, I get presents?
The classic work of 'Saint Alphonsus de Ligouri' 1696- 1787
"Perfection is founded entirely on the love of God: 'Charity is the bond of perfection;' and perfect love of God means the complete union of our will with God's." The essence of perfection is to embrace the will of God in all things, prosperous or adverse. In prosperity, even sinners find it easy to unite themselves to the divine will; but it takes saints to unite themselves to God's will when things go wrong and are painful to self-love. Our conduct in such instances is the measure of our love of God.
Here is a Bible reading plan that is set up for you to go through the Bible in a year. But with a twist: It divides up your reading into the main types of Genres (literature) such as Gospels, Law, Narrative (History), Psalms, Poetry, Prophecy, and Epistles! That way you can go though the entire Bible by reading the different Genre types. This is a unique plan that will help keep your pace up and prevent you from losing interest and giving up!