Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


Prayer is a sincere, sensible, affectionate pouring out of the heart or soul to God, through Christ, in the strength and assistance of the Holy Spirit, for such things as God has promised, or according to his Word, for the good of the church, with submission in faith to the will of God.
Being a mentor is modeling and teaching other Christians the precepts of the Bible and Christian life-mainly prayer, doctrine, Christian living, and worship. It is the practicing of mutual faith, which means encouragement, support, and our spiritual gifts, all working as a team to inspire, encourage, and instruct one another.
Mentoring is an aspect of discipleship. It is important and imperative. In fact, this is the sum total of what the purpose of the Church is all about. Christ calls us to encourage and equip people so that we can all worship Christ and thus live out a real, effectual, impacted, Christian life.
What a reproach it is to God.-There is the holy and most glorious God who invites us to come to Him, to hold converse with Him, to ask from Him such things as we need, and to experience what a blessing there is in fellowship with Him. He has created us in His own image, and has redeemed us by His own Son, so that in converse with Him we might find our highest glory and salvation...
Experience of the Father's trustworthiness!
Insights from "Teach Me to Pray" by Dr. William E. Sangster.
A primary giving of love is self-disclosure. "Only when we are willing to put our true selves on the line, to be taken for better or for worse, to be accepted or rejected, does true interpersonal encounter begin. Martin Luther's first law of successful prayer was, 'Don't lie to God!' We must tell him the truth of our thoughts, desires and feelings, whatever they may be."
Entire dependence upon the merits and mediation of the Lord Jesus Christ, as the only ground of any claim for blessing...
Prayer is a reality is it yours?
Fruit of the Spirit, Part IV

Just before the great passage in Galatians that expounds the Fruit of the Spirit comes a warning and a list of the opposites of the good Fruit, the destroyers of churches, relationships, and self! This all comes down to our willingness to either live a life that is led by the Spirit or one that is led by our flesh, that of our pride and will.

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It is a community of committed believers serving the Lord in a center for research and practicum.
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ITW Radio Opportunity We as a ministry have a wonderful opportunity before us and we need your partnership!
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