Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


This subject is often called, "The Problem of Evil!"

"Evil!" When this word is proclaimed, images come to mind of Hitler, Mussolini, Saddam Hussein, a sadistic serial killer, or the mother who murders her own children. Perhaps Rwanda, Bosnia, the Killing Fields, concentration camps, gang violence, rape, heinous abuse, and murder are all images of evil. There is little dispute that such actions are evil; but, have you considered that evil can also be anything that goes against God? We may not think of ourselves as evil; perhaps sinners, moreover...
Friendship Lesson 6:

Yes you can! You may think this friendship stuff is too much and say, hey, I cannot do that; I will be embarrassed! Perhaps you will, especially if you are not used to it, so take it slowly. Look at the...
Friendship Lesson 5:

Another thing to be aware of in relationships is that they are a life form that grows, evolves, and changes.
Friendship Lesson 4:

So, what is the key to getting out of the locked room at the shallow end of relationships?
Friendship Lesson 3:

Understanding and Developing Healthy Biblical Friendships.

Friendship is defined throughout Scripture as the companionship and closeness we are to have with one another. It is a commitment to build...
Friendship Lesson 2:

Understanding and Developing Healthy Biblical Friendships. How is your friendships operated on the principle of love?
Friendship Lesson 1:

Have you ever wondered why certain people have all the friends, while others--perhaps even you--seem to have few to none? Have you wondered why some people succeed in business and finance even though they seem to have no skills or abilities to contribute effectively to their profession?
Forgiveness is complete, so that we, as Christians, are released from our personal desire for retribution. Forgiveness is costly, yet, there is no cost we could ever incur that could compare with what we cost Him. When we put forgiveness into practice in our relationships, whether with family, friends, church people, or our coworkers, we refocus our plans for our pain to God's plan, and God's ways. So, our pain becomes relieved, and our life can go on in a better direction. We can live better...
Forgiveness is a direct call from our Lord. It is something extremely special which we are given, and something precious we are to replicate to others. It is not easy. It requires the practice of maturity, the patience to allow the process to unfold, and the tact to endure it. Forgiveness is also a mandate from our Lord. We can take great comfort in knowing that He is...
Are you going somewhere this summer? Do you want to know how you should act and be around people? To be a good Christian, you should find out!

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