Christianity is to be a personal team endeavor; it is never just about solitary, or personal agendas.
Developing your Walk with God!
Do you listen to God? Most would emphatically say yes or at least think they do, pay attention to God. Or do we just listen to ourselves or snoop out the faulty trends? Consider these questions, why do you study the Bible? Why do you pray? Why and how do you worship? Is it a two-way communication? Or is it just you dictating to God? Now, consider one of the essential inductive questions that help us know and grow in the Word: what is in the way of my listening to God?
Tired of people snapping at you?
If you fall away from these questions or refuse to have someone hold you to them, then Satan will have a foothold in your life. These questions are not just for the pastor or church leader, they are for all Christians who want to live a life of integrity. The failure to have no accountability will produce sin. Then it is not a question of if you may fall, but when you will engage in sin and destroy everything.
Suffering is an essential aspect of our Christian growth, whether it is mental, physical, financial, or spiritual. It is the main connection that enables the batteries to power us to be the best Christian possible. It is the link between the Holy Spirit and God's perfect plan working in us. Without this vital connection, the power source of our Lord will not be able to prime us for His service. We may have the ability and the power of the Spirit, but the vital link between them is missing. A spark of truth and service may pass between them, so we think we...
God is our refuge and strength!
As a pastor I hear this lament all of the time, sometimes it even comes from my own lips, "Why doesn't God help me in my troubles?" This is a legitimate question to ask. A lot of Christians tend to be afraid of asking God why, or earnestly seek to resolve their crisis. Thinking I do not have enough faith or I would not go through this. Or I do not want others to know, for they would think bad of me or that I caused it. Or we use the crisis to grab the attention ourselves. If we are going through tough times, we need to know why, and what we should do when we are in them. If not we...
Why do some people grow in their faith and maturity while others not at all?
Look over the "chart." Where are you in this chart? Where do you need to be?
What Blocks us from Encountering Jesus Christ? Part III
Have you ever wondered what blocks us from increasing our trust and faith in Jesus Christ?
What Blocks us from Encountering Jesus Christ? Part II
What Blocks us from increasing our trust and faith in Jesus Christ?
What Blocks us from Encountering Jesus Christ? Part I
What God Desires and the causes and motivations that block our spiritual growth. Why do some people grow in their faith and maturity while others go about it very slowly or not at all?