Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


The question that the Blood demands is this: Do we fully understand that we have been rescued from sin and darkness and from hopeless despair? Has that hit home? Are you filled with gratitude because of what Christ has done? To venture further in the faith beyond our saving faith, we have to take heed and be encouraged that God is our rescuer! Therefore, we are to respond in gratitude for His provision and gifts!
What does the Blood of Christ mean? Pure and simple, the blood of Jesus was spilt as a sacrifice in our place so that we could have the necessary redemption to be saved! Jesus makes it possible for us to be forgiven of our sins and saved from God's wrath for our sins. Therefore, through the blood, we receive grace-salvation and eternal life.
In Matthew 10:34-42, Jesus calls us to take up the cross. This passage goes against the grain of most Christian mindsets, just as it did when Jesus first gave it. Yet, it is essential for us to understand who we are in Christ and allow His empowerment to come into our relationships. What does this mean? How does this affect my relationship with God, my relationship with self and with others?
What does the Bible say about Tongues?

This gift is a matter of hot dispute among many theologians in the Pentecostal, Charismatic and Reformed camps. So, all I can do is show you what the Word has to say, not what people think it should say! (This is why I told you to read it first!) A biblical definition of tongues is speaking in a language that you do not know, that you have not learned, so that another person can supernaturally hear the Gospel or message from God through you in their language. Thus, Tongues is supposed to verbally articulate and point to the Gospel of Christ.
God's wisdom is seen by His grace, which provides us a way out of our sinful nature, by the means of redemption. This was His choice, His decision, for His glory. God works by choosing us and then, God gives us the means to carry out His plan. In knowing God's Will, whatever decision or dilemma you face, relationships, money, career or whatever… you can rest assured that God has an example and advice for you to follow.

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