Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


Hope is essential! Do you have hope? Do you know what hope is?

Hope is our forward outlook to be in Christ forever. This produces Joy. Heb. 11:1, "the substance of things hoped for".
Do you desire to fire your pastor? Perhaps you should fire them up instead!

Praying for your church is like filling a balloon with helium, the more it is filled, the more it will soar and not sore! For us to grow not just numerically, but in what is much more important, spiritually and in community to one another, requires our discipline and passion to pursue Christ more and ourselves less. We have to grow in Christ in a cherished, intimate growing relationship with Him as LORD over all and LORD over us. We are called to become purpose driven with His purpose at our helm of leadership and lives so that our trust and intimacy is rooted in Him and not in our...
Small Group Curriculum Model

Small groups are designed to meet the deepest relational and learning needs of the congregation. Small groups can help provide the framework for people to be challenged to worship God with joy, passion, and conviction by learning who they are in Christ so they can develop the trusting faith in Jesus as Savior and LORD...
Developing an Evangelism Program PII

Have you ever wondered why people do not have the willingness to come to faith in Christ? Why will they not listen to a passionate plea from a loving and caring friend or family member who wants to see them saved? Why would they choose not to see their need for such a fantastic gift from God? Why, after all your efforts and hard adoring work, it seems to have been...
What does it take to venture into radical discipleship? Trust! Trust is a response from our faith that pleases God! This is our prime purpose as a Christian: to glorify our Lord and enjoy our relationship in Him! We do this by being in Him with our full trust. It is a pivotal aspect of our growth in Christ, and the intention of sincere due diligence in acting out our faith--no matter what. However, many of us Christians today may sing about it and preach about it; yet, the actual exercise of it is abysmal. We forget that a uthentic faith in Christ as Lord is where our assurance and confidence comes from; that faith is...
What Blocks us from Encountering Jesus Christ? Part II

What Blocks us from increasing our trust and faith in Jesus Christ?
Developing your Walk with God

Being a disciple encompasses more than just asking Christ in our life and heart, and goes far beyond baptism or our church membership. Being a disciple goes further than our conversion, our acceptance of Christ as Savior, our election, or any initiation we could conceive of into the Christian life. Our initiation is by what Christ gave us and is only the beginning. The first step we take, that we receive by faith through His grace, is the entrance into the faith and Christian life. Accepting our election in Christ is not the only act of being a Christian! Yet,
In Matthew 10:34-42, Jesus calls us to take up the cross. This passage goes against the grain of most Christian mindsets, just as it did when Jesus first gave it. Yet, it is essential for us to understand who we are in Christ and allow His empowerment to come into our relationships. What does this mean? How does this affect my relationship with God, my relationship with self and with others?
How to study smarter and better, and even with less time!

Think Big- Think Smart. Not small or with an "I can't' or "I have ta"' attitude. But have a will to do it (i.e. self-esteem- our identity is in Christ). Have confidence in yourself!
God Peruses to Protect Us

Keep this comfort in mind. As Satan is eagerly seeking after us, pursuing us, harassing us, partially causing us to get into troubling situations, God is also there pursuing us. As Satan seeks to molest us, God has already saved us. As Satan is being crafty and creating temptations and distractions God will use the situation for our benefit and His glory. The temptation that was supposed to bring chaos and a crises of faith can also bring us deeper in Christ with our persistent prayers and trust taking Satan's deceit to trick and deceive us people of faith to help us help others see evil's treacherous paths so we do not fall prey to them. The devil has gone down to us; the question is what are we doing about it?

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