Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


When we start to think and believe more biblically, we will have lives that bring about love and goodness. We can have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control flowing in, through, and out of us. If we rather focus on what someone did to us or what we did not get, we will bring about chaos and suffering instead of the hope and the prosperity of faith, which is what the Fruit of the Spirit brings to the table of life.
Whatever approach you use, never argue or condemn the other person's beliefs. Focus on God's love for the person, Jesus' death on the cross for our sins, His resurrection, and the person's need to make a commitment to follow Christ. Invite the person to actually pray with you and commit his or her life to Christ.
Do you listen to God? Most would emphatically say yes or at least think they do, pay attention to God. Or do we just listen to ourselves or snoop out the faulty trends? Consider these questions, why do you study the Bible? Why do you pray? Why and how do you worship? Is it a two-way communication? Or is it just you dictating to God? Now, consider one of the essential inductive questions that help us know and grow in the Word: what is in the way of my listening to God?
"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me" (Galatians 2:20-21).

These words simply mean that I choose to break away from my way of doing things, to focus on and embrace God's ways.
How do you know if Christ is your focus? Look at your life. Do you confess God with your lips yet deny Him in your daily life? It is easy to belong to a church or recite a creed, but difficult to live the Christian life. Yet, He gives us the love, grace, and means to do so. How do you define faith? Remember, faith without action is a contradiction, and love without obedience is impossible.
Understanding and Responding to Islam in the Light of September 11

In this study, we will be seeking to better understand Islam, Afghanistan and Osama bin Laden and some of the reasons why the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 took place. What is the root of terrorism? Does Islam teach peace, or does it teach Jihad? What are some of the potential issues facing Christians, what are some of the responses we can make, and what are resources to help us? Most importantly, what are some of the key biblical foundations we need to keep in focus during this time of turmoil and change?
Are you secure in your life? If so where is your trust placed?

Here is a helpful talk curriculum to teach youth to focus on Christ with lots of examples and Scripture.
What does it mean to be Spirit filled?

Has someone ever asked you if you are "led by the Spirit?" or if you are "Spirit driven" or "Spirit-filled" or have the Holy Spirit's Baptism? Since the turn of the twentieth century, many Christian groups have placed their focus on the Holy Spirit as front and center for the Church as well as their personal and ministry life. As a result, a lot of various teachings have come up that are very popular, some good, some bad and not biblical.
Forgiveness is complete, so that we, as Christians, are released from our personal desire for retribution. Forgiveness is costly, yet, there is no cost we could ever incur that could compare with what we cost Him. When we put forgiveness into practice in our relationships, whether with family, friends, church people, or our coworkers, we refocus our plans for our pain to God's plan, and God's ways. So, our pain becomes relieved, and our life can go on in a better direction. We can live better...
We need to put out the effort and do.

Rom. 12:1-3 tells us "to present ourselves as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to God…" just like a Marine finishing boot camp and placing himself for duty; so must we place ourselves in His service. We are to offer ourselves daily! Before our feet hit the ground when we get out of bed, our focus is to be in His will! Jesus is our supreme commander, so say "Yes sir, here I am, ready for service!"

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