Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


The question that the Blood demands is this: Do we fully understand that we have been rescued from sin and darkness and from hopeless despair? Has that hit home? Are you filled with gratitude because of what Christ has done? To venture further in the faith beyond our saving faith, we have to take heed and be encouraged that God is our rescuer! Therefore, we are to respond in gratitude for His provision and gifts!
What does the Blood of Christ mean? Pure and simple, the blood of Jesus was spilt as a sacrifice in our place so that we could have the necessary redemption to be saved! Jesus makes it possible for us to be forgiven of our sins and saved from God's wrath for our sins. Therefore, through the blood, we receive grace-salvation and eternal life.
The Incarnation simply means God came to be a man. He was fully man while remaining fully God. The Incarnation fulfills God's purpose, as Christ the Creator submitted to the Father in His manifestation into humanity, becoming Fully God and Fully Human, to become and serve humanity, this was His ultimate triumph. He is Holy and as the "incarnate Son," remained loyal and obedient to His own precepts and the challenge of sin and worldliness.
Applying Christ back to Christmas

Christmas is a precious season, meant to be a reminder of Who and What our Lord has done. It has anticipation, wonder, excitement, family values and precious moments and memories, especially for children. Yet, it has become lost, hidden behind shallow traditions and the emptiness of wants and perceived needs. I am not referring to the secular commercialism of Christmas, but in our own churches and Christian families. We forgot what it is all about! We are missing the message in our expectations as wells as our hurries and struggles and passions. We become so hurried and stressed over putting together a Christmas party or gathering we miss what it is all about!

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