The Role, Person, and Work of the Holy Spirit
The essential topic of who and what the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost is, His power, impact, and role in the universe and in our lives, along with why we need to know this has been a hot and abused subject matter during the last several decades. The third Person of the Godhead, the Trinity, has been ignored by some and overly abused and misunderstood by most.
What does it mean to be Spirit filled?
Has someone ever asked you if you are "led by the Spirit?" or if you are "Spirit driven" or "Spirit-filled" or have the Holy Spirit's Baptism? Since the turn of the twentieth century, many Christian groups have placed their focus on the Holy Spirit as front and center for the Church as well as their personal and ministry life. As a result, a lot of various teachings have come up that are very popular, some good, some bad and not biblical.
What does the Bible say about Tongues?
This gift is a matter of hot dispute among many theologians in the Pentecostal, Charismatic and Reformed camps. So, all I can do is show you what the Word has to say, not what people think it should say! (This is why I told you to read it first!) A biblical definition of tongues is speaking in a language that you do not know, that you have not learned, so that another person can supernaturally hear the Gospel or message from God through you in their language. Thus, Tongues is supposed to verbally articulate and point to the Gospel of Christ.
Beware of deceptions and misleading choices!
We need to focus on the source; especially those of us who are not experienced in letting God lead us and are easily turned off the path from what seems to be common sense and good opportunities. But these in fact are sometimes tricks of Satan to mislead us and confuse us. Sometimes we misinterpret our own will as being what God's will is. What we think might be the leading of the Holy Spirit may not be from Him at all but just our own selfish inclinations. Our focus needs to be on what God has revealed to us through...
True Sanctification (His Part) is surrendering ourselves entirely to the Holy Spirit, to have His way working in us. Consecration (our part) is being (Gal. 6:14) dedicated to God's service!
"The role and Person and work of the Holy Spirit"
My purpose in this article is to help guide you in a further understanding of how to apply His Spirit in your life for living and ministry. I will also attempt to answer some of the questions that have come forth concerning this subject, and give further clarification from the first article.
Does Jesus call the church to speak in tongues to be saved?
Has anyone ever approached you and asked if you have received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? Or, perhaps they challenged you further by saying that unless you have spoken in tongues, you are not a real Christian.
The main names for the Holy Spirit: Counselor; Comforter; Baptizer; Advocate; Strengthener; Sanctifier; Spirit of Christ; Seven-Fold Spirit; Spirit of Truth; Spirit of Grace; Spirit of Mercy; Spirit of God; Spirit of Holiness; Spirit of Life. He is symbolized in the OT and NT by (1) breath or wind; (2) fire; (3) water; (4) oil; (5) light; (6) a dove.
Mark the grand characteristic of true prayer¾"In the Holy Spirit" (Jude 20). The seed of acceptable devotion must come from Heaven's storehouse. Only the prayer which comes from God can go to God. We must shoot the Lord's arrows back to Him. That desire which He writes upon our hearts will move His heart and bring down a blessing, but the desires of the flesh have no power with Him.