Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105

Bible Study Notes

Session 39: Psalms
Kindness is the medium through which Christ's love becomes tangible
Patience is showing tolerance and fortitude
Christ the Reconciler!
Allowing tranquility to be our tone and control our composure.
Joy will allow us to enjoy my relationship with Christ
Love desires to seek and apply what God has to say.
Jesus Christ is Supreme!
We have to ask ourselves as a Christian what is our main reason and purpose?

Virtue is not the talk of the town these days; in fact it is depicted in our culture as weak and useless. It is the butt of jokes. It is forgotten as part of a perceived bygone era filled with contempt and arrogance. To be a person of character is to be alone and endure criticism by the world and even by some so-called Christians. Virtue calls us higher to a level where few people desire to go, because it is an assault against the self will. It flies in the face what we expect and desire to do and to be. People today do not see the relativism and purpose of virtue.
Character is fueled by the power of the Spirit empowering us we can model the character of Christ. Real authentic character is being surrendered to Christ and allowing His work to grow and in rich you, so the Spirit flows. For character is God's love in and to and through you!

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