Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105

Bible Studies

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A 31 Day Encounter with Jesus.

This is an excellent Bible Reading plan to start out with, or use to refresh yourselves in Him. In just a few minutes a day for a month, you will be stronger in your faith and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
31 Days to Know God's Plan for Us.

This Bible reading plan is a general overview of God's encounter with humanity, our responses to Him and how He gives us Hope, Salvation and an Eternal Future.
There are 5 main reasons why going to church is important.
Jesus' Life Story was Predicted and Described Centuries Before His Birth.

No other person has influenced the history of the world as much as Jesus.
1. What does the Bible say about the existence of God and is Jesus really God?
2. What does the Bible say about life after death?
3. What does the Bible say about there only being one way to get to heaven?
4. What does the Bible say about Jesus rising from the dead?
5. What does the Bible say about what happens to those who die without ever believing in Christ?
6. What does the Bible say about how Christians can believe in a loving God with SO much suffering in the world?
7. What does the Bible say about other religions?
8. How can the miracles in the Bible be true?
9. What does the Bible say about the spirit world?
10. What does the Bible say about New Age beliefs?
The Bible opens by telling that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, and that everything God made was good. Sin enters the story when human beings want to become like God, and disobey God's command by eating fruit that God had told them not to eat.
The Bible is Value, it is a matter of worth, so what is it worth to you?

"So What" you say?
Jesus conceals truth for us, not 'from' us!

There are two main conceptions in what and why Jesus uses parables in edifying and instructing us. One, He uses simple everyday illustrations, allegories, stories, and word pictures that He pointed to, showcasing an illustration that people could understand and relate to. Second, in the illustration dwells a layered meaning-like an onion, if you will--that has a depth to it. His main reason? People, for the most part, are 'concrete' thinkers. We tend to look to the simplest, easiest meaning to mentally digest solution and rarely seek a deeper meaning or application. However, to grow in faith, we need to grow beyond ourselves, our perception, and our assumptions in order to grasp the true Truths Christ has for us. Thus, for us to grow in faith...
There is no substitute to time spent in the face of our Lord!

The capable Bible student is rooted and grounded in the spiritual disciplines of the faith, whose drive is their passionate love relationship to the Lordship of Christ. And what flows out of it is the desire to love God's people, to herd them with love into the pastures of maturity.

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