The call to be Transformed
Nehemiah 8; John 3:30; Romans 12:1-3; 2 Timothy 2:15; James 1:22-25
We meet with God for the expressed reason to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. This is an act of worship for us to think right without distractions or personal agendas; look upon God as our Loving Lord Master as well as Motivator. Then we will be able to grow through the ordeals of life, the ups and downs focusing on how can I be approve to focus on what God's will is, to know Him, place Him first and foremost as His prime pleasing and perfect will. As to be ...
The basics of understanding Bible Study methods, how to learn from and about God's Word is basically simple, do it. But what we do not want to do is do it bad or erroneous. The science and art of exegesis or exegetical method is not meant to be scary, but rather provide us with the essential tools so we can better know and teach His Word.
This curriculum is designed to teach you how to study the Bible with the tools a good pastor would learn to use in a top level seminary. Why should I bother with this? Because, we can gain so much more from His Word, precepts, and call if we just desire to take the time to learn more of His Word.
Nothing in our Christian life is as important or compares to the value of learning God's Word and then incorporating His precepts into our lives. Thus, memorizing a passage of Scripture is an essential way not only to know His Word, but to know and grow in our Lord and Savior. Yet, many Christians have neglected, even negated this discipline, including me on occasions.
How well do you know the Bible? Do you rationalize it, fake it, or ignore it, or do not make the effort or exercise diligence to really get to know it? I know that I have! Here is a simple, easy way to learn the Bible! But, before we can learn it, we have to discover what is in the way of our receptiveness to His Word?
Please join us as we study His Word on our new InJesus format!
We have the incredible privilege to here and know God personally through His Word! The Bible is our principle platform for our encounters with the Almighty Who has something precious to say to us, and we must hear it excitedly! We are to get into God's Word because it is the framework of the Living God. His principles, calls, and plans for us to know, grow, prosper in our lives and churches are in its pages. We must do our best to immerse ourselves to meet Him, to know Him, to internalize His precepts and live them out for His glory and our mutual benefit. Therefore, we must listen, learn, and do ...
We must study the Bible because it is the foundation for life. God even commands us to study His Word as the priority before we do anything else...
The Seventh Step of Inductive Bible Study is Asking the Big Question, "How does this apply to me?"
We are called to be the person who gets in His Word, who sees, knows, and applies it, will be growing and useful for Christ. He or she will be exhibiting good character and godliness as he or she moves into actually applying Christianity, to be Doers of His Mighty Word! Remember the Word of God's purpose is to transform us into His image and character!
The Second Step of Inductive Bible Study is Learning "The Fundamentals of Getting More out of God's Word!"
If you just took a Bible book, any one, such as Romans and read it every day for a month, you will know it beyond measure! And this can be done in less time than it takes to watch a half hour TV show! You will have far more knowledge of His Word and be more active and involved in our Lord than perhaps 90% of Christians who usually just "pew sit" and do nothing with their faith. So who will get your time and reverence?