This is the classic article to show you how to better understand and study the Bible inductively! Obedience and faith is a trust relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that we learn and grow from our efforts of getting into the Bible, seeking God's counsel and applying His true-Truth and precepts to our lives and churches. This is used overseas to train tens of thousands of pastors on how to teach the Bible, prepare basic sermons and for them to know, grow and lead others to God's rich pastures in the Word.
"Enjoyed your message, pastor," say the many who meet and greet him at the church's door. All the while, the pastor is curiously racking his grey matter to figure out just what they enjoyed. Wonder why? It must be because this sermon really was good. After all, it sounded so good on the Internet that the pastor "borrowed" it so that his congregation could be as blessed by it as he was.
This primer is intended to help you and your church to start, lead, develop, grow, and manage Bible studies. From small group Bible studies as well as larger Bible Studies to even very large Bible studies, because the principals apply to small and large groups, the difference is how you lead and structure them, while all are Bible centered with godly prepared teachers.
The bottom line of why we are to study the Bible is so we may know God, His Way, and grow in our knowledge and faith in Him so we can then be better used by Him. We are called to spiritual growth-that is, the formation of the investment of faith Christ gives us that we give back to Him in dividends. This is a deep conviction of our faith, a practiced submission that shows our obedience, and a life of personal and relational maturity. We can't do this when we bring what we want into Scripture and not take out what God wants us to have! We have to listen to God; if not, we will not learn and then we will not grow and then we will not have a life of transformation.
The Resurrection is the heart of Christianity, the ultimate climax that has come for the Church and for the Christian! It gives us our eternal life, hope for the future, and effectual life for today. It encompasses all of our Lord's life and mission and the incredible undeserved miracle of our redemption! The history of humanity, our fallen state, the move of our Lord through time and history and our lives were interwoven to the finishing point. Jesus Christ lived on our behalf. He has died in our places to absorb God's wrath and pay our debt of sin; Easter, the Resurrection, tells how He rises back to life, conquering death, and giving us new life by His victory and the product of grace for a life of fulfillment and fullness!
There are 5 main reasons why going to church is important.
We have the incredible privilege to here and know God personally through His Word! The Bible is our principle platform for our encounters with the Almighty Who has something precious to say to us, and we must hear it excitedly! We are to get into God's Word because it is the framework of the Living God. His principles, calls, and plans for us to know, grow, prosper in our lives and churches are in its pages. We must do our best to immerse ourselves to meet Him, to know Him, to internalize His precepts and live them out for His glory and our mutual benefit. Therefore, we must listen, learn, and do ...
Why is the dating of Revelation so important? Because it sets up what approach or view one will take-which of the four. Unlike letters today, the book of Revelation does not come to us postmarked with a date, so scholars and researchers need to make a reasonable assumption about the date of this book from...
The authority of Scripture is a key issue for the Christian Church in this and every age. Those who profess faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior are called to show the reality of their discipleship by humbly and faithfully obeying God's written Word. To stray from Scripture in faith or conduct is disloyalty to our Master. Recognition of the total truth and trustworthiness of Holy Scripture is essential to a full grasp and adequate confession of its authority.
How to incorporate an "Inductive type" of study into your home or church Bible study
As a leader, your task is to lead your students to the mainstreams, of the passage that follow the precepts, ideas and truths of our Lord. These are the fresh streams of truth; flows to a world that chooses to live in a desert. So you lead the student who lives in that desert yet thinks they do not need water or thinks they have enough already. You are to lift up the cross, the Person of Christ, and what He has done. You are also to show others what you have leaned and still be growing yourself, to show the wonder and truth of life that affects all of our being, that...