Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


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We are going to explore what are the key ingredients that make a good healthy Pastor. Thus, these articles are written to pastors, whose call is to shepherd their flock. However, these curriculums can also be used to hone anyone in Christian service and leadership. It is my prayer that we can carryout our pastoral and leadership lives with the right mindset of what is really important in life and ministry that pleases and glorifies our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
En esto cinco primeros meses del año, miramos hacia delante. Nos encaramos con el futuro. Estamos ansiosos por ver que es lo que podremos llevar a cabo en los meses restantes. Para lograrlo no debemos dirigir la mirada hacia cosas secundarias, sino a la meta que nos hemos propuesto...
Love their Call is Passion, it means there is nothing better you would rather do than...
True Sanctification (His Part) is surrendering ourselves entirely to the Holy Spirit, to have His way working in us. Consecration (our part) is being (Gal. 6:14) dedicated to God's service!
This may sound strange, but this article was originally a funeral sermon. This is about the legacy we leave when we pass on, into heaven and God's wonders, rest, and rewards-how we live and then hand down hope by the way we lived and how we touched others. However, as I have done this sermon over the years, I could not help noticing and even be convicted by the Holy Spirit that this is also about building a successful church...
What is Going on with the Church in America? True success is being obedient to what God has called us to do and realizing that although we are responsible to serve, we are not responsible for the results. So, what are the marks of a successful church leader?
Stripping Ourselves of What Holds Us
Como tener un tiempo de devoción personal con Dios
Knowledge is being assured that what Christ did is relevant and impacting, and is a reality that must be accepted and committed to.
"The role and Person and work of the Holy Spirit"

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We have a wondrous new tool to help you in your Bible reading efforts!
A Bible reading checklist in "Excel" that keeps track of your progress with all kinds of cool graphs and tracking features along with stats on words, verses, encouraging facts, etc. This is also a fund-raising opportunity for us that we think could be a successful addition to your church or ministry spiritual arsenal.
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We are a ministry making a difference for the Kingdom of God, and...
A great way to raise funds for our ministry and you can make money too!
It is a community of committed believers serving the Lord in a center for research and practicum.
New Funding Project! RealEstateProject.pdf
ITW Radio Opportunity We as a ministry have a wonderful opportunity before us and we need your partnership!
Growing in Christ is the key to growing a faith, a family and a Fellowship!
Schaeffer Institute
Mission America Coalition
Bible Reading Plans
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