Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


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Too often they have failed to show the beauty of love, the beauty of Christ,the Holiness of God, and the world has turned away.

Is there no way to make the world look again -this time at true Christianity. Most Christians continue to stand with arms folded presenting to men and women, a tarnished image of God- a shattered body of Christ
When we start to think and believe more biblically, we will have lives that bring about love and goodness. We can have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control flowing in, through, and out of us. If we rather focus on what someone did to us or what we did not get, we will bring about chaos and suffering instead of the hope and the prosperity of faith, which is what the Fruit of the Spirit brings to the table of life.
The question before us is what the Christian life, true spirituality, really is,and how it may be lived in a twentieth-century setting.
Jesus' High Priestly Prayer, P.2!
Love their Call is Passion, it means there is nothing better you would rather do than...
Two biblical principles must be practiced simultaneously, at each step of the way, if we are to be really Bible-believing Christians. One is the principle of the practice of the purity of the visible church. The other is the principle of an observable love among all true Christians.
We must realize that our being one will take looking to the Lord for help. There will be problems of coordination which must be worked out with patience, with being servants to each other. This will not happen automatically. It will take conscious thought, prayer, and a realistic love not to let our egotisms spoil that which God has given us. I would just say to you there are going to be months, there are going to be times, that you are consciously going to have to realize that there are things that have be worked out in love, and it is imperative that as these things are worked out that the things of personal egotism and personal preference which is not principle would not spoil that which God has given us.
A Profile of Servant Leadership

We usually know what the world calls us to, but do you know what God calls you to? The Bible calls us to a higher level of excellence; one of vision, love, integrity, and functionality. That is what I call "Incarnational Leadership." It simply means that I will lead the way Christ led. I will not lead the way the world wants me to. Incarnational represents the view that we are to leave the ways of the world and its ways of leadership, and turn to the ways of Christ. As He was Incarnational, we can be too...
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love...

The Church Growth movement has made major contributions to the Church over the years. It has also given us some major problems! Some church growth thinking that has done the opposite to the church. This thinking has caused churches to...
Not as duty but desire, not as law but love, not as demand but delight, not as necessity but privilege, not as ritual but relationship, not "in order to" but "because of."

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