Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


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Inductive Bible study is learning how to exegete the Bible for all its worth with our best efforts. We do this through teaching people tools and skills to help observe the text, dig out the meaning, and then apply it to their lives. Thus, inductive Bible Study enhances the exegesis process by enabling us to read the Bible for more impact, value and significance. In practice, we first examine the ideas and words of the text, then this leads us to the meanings and interpretations, and then we are led to the conclusions and applications.
The conscience is our moral center that monitors our actions from preset values instilled by God...
The Reformation brought a renewed interest in curiosity and discovery, in calling and education, in work and civil responsibility. It achieved this by means of both Scripture's teaching and a shift of mentality. The Bible gave Man again a place of nobility in the realm of thought and work. The price of Christ's finished work for our redemption represented the value God saw in the redeemable person. Furthermore...
The Value of Christ's Kingdom
Nothing in our Christian life is as important or compares to the value of learning God's Word and then incorporating His precepts into our lives. Thus, memorizing a passage of Scripture is an essential way not only to know His Word, but to know and grow in our Lord and Savior. Yet, many Christians have neglected, even negated this discipline, including me on occasions.
The Bible is Value, it is a matter of worth, so what is it worth to you?

"So What" you say?
Understanding the impact of the Bible on history and its relevance for our lives!

Is the Bible important? Have you ever wondered what the Bible's influence has been on you, personally, whether you read it daily or not at all? What about others around you? Have you considered the Bible's relevance and importance in the shaping of Western society and culture? The fact is, the Bible has sold more copies than all other books in history and has shaped the hands that built this country, the United States of America. Even in the days of eroding family values, and an academic and political backlash to remove the Bible and its relevance, the fact is the Bible is the most important document and influence in Western culture. It has been more influential than the U.S. Constitution, the Magna Carta or any philosophical or political idea. The Bible is so important it has influenced much we take for granted in the world from science, technology, and even our political system! And...
The Importance of Prayer for Evangelism!

Matthew 9:35-38; John 14:12-14; Colossians 4:2-6; Luke 11:1-4

Prayer is pivotal and essential. Nothing of value can accrue in you or though you without prayer! The above Scriptures testify to us that we need to be praying for workers, for ourselves, for opportunities, and for those who do not know Him!
Asking me to write about Fasting is like asking a dog to walk on two legs. The dog can do it, but he cannot do it very long nor can he do it very well. I am a person who does not like to skip a meal, who thinks a good buffet is a good way to worship God because He bestows us with blessings. At the same time, I value the importance of Fasting. Having practiced Fasting off and on for many years-sometimes even dreading to start it and thankful when it was over-I learned a few things I wish to impart to you...
Nothing in our Christian life is as important or compares to the value of learning God's Word and then incorporating His precepts into our lives. Thus, memorizing a passage of Scripture is an essential way not only to know His Word, but to know and grow in our Lord and Savior.

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