Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


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This may sound strange, but this article was originally a funeral sermon. This is about the legacy we leave when we pass on, into heaven and God's wonders, rest, and rewards-how we live and then hand down hope by the way we lived and how we touched others. However, as I have done this sermon over the years, I could not help noticing and even be convicted by the Holy Spirit that this is also about building a successful church...
Pray More!

Do you feel vital for ministry? If not, what is in the way, or what are you not doing?

Two biblical principles must be practiced simultaneously, at each step of the way, if we are to be really Bible-believing Christians. One is the principle of the practice of the purity of the visible church. The other is the principle of an observable love among all true Christians.
A Profile of Servant Leadership

We usually know what the world calls us to, but do you know what God calls you to? The Bible calls us to a higher level of excellence; one of vision, love, integrity, and functionality. That is what I call "Incarnational Leadership." It simply means that I will lead the way Christ led. I will not lead the way the world wants me to. Incarnational represents the view that we are to leave the ways of the world and its ways of leadership, and turn to the ways of Christ. As He was Incarnational, we can be too...
Yes and no! Yes, Christ is coming back and we will meet Him and it will be spectacular and no words or speculations could ever describe it effectively, especially not in the way most books and TV preachers have sensationalized it. There has been a lot of debate over what this...
Seeking out information from the visitors will be one of your best resources. They will see beyond what we see because we become compliant and get so used to the way things are that we do not see the problems and issues that a fresh perspective will see.
How well do you know the Bible? Do you rationalize it, fake it, or ignore it, or do not make the effort or exercise diligence to really get to know it? I know that I have! Here is a simple, easy way to learn the Bible! But, before we can learn it, we have to discover what is in the way of our receptiveness to His Word?
God calls us to confess!

We need to look to God's Word as the primary example for our interpersonal relationships and to the ways we confront, extol, and exhort people with love and care. There are scores of examples of conflict in Scripture and how it was handled properly and improperly.
Prayer is a reality is it yours?
The History of 'Doing Church' through the centuries.

Have you ever wondered why do we do Church the way we do? One of the topics for which we receive requests for information is why we do church worship services the way we do. Why can't I just do what I feel is best, or find out what my people and neighborhood would want and do that? Is there a reason behind our traditions? Or, is it just meaningless rhetoric we repeat over and over, year after year, century after century. Well, there is a reason we do church the way most practice it today. There are essential patterns, rooted in the Old Testament, that God requires...

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