Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


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Inductive Bible study is learning how to exegete the Bible for all its worth with our best efforts. We do this through teaching people tools and skills to help observe the text, dig out the meaning, and then apply it to their lives. Thus, inductive Bible Study enhances the exegesis process by enabling us to read the Bible for more impact, value and significance. In practice, we first examine the ideas and words of the text, then this leads us to the meanings and interpretations, and then we are led to the conclusions and applications.
This is a basic step by step biblical process to solve conflict personally or in a church.

Most problems seem complex; intertwined with so many people and so much hurt and communication ills, they seem overwhelming and hopeless. But, that is not the case; most problems have just a few simple components to them that can be isolated and dealt with.
Basic Guide and Checklist to Start and Develop a Program.

After following the process of determining needs and developing a purpose, programs need to be implemented to meet those needs.

Your main goal is to love and serve the Lord with all of your heart, mind and strength…Mark 12:30, and to influence others to do so. At the same time, you need to be effective stewards of resources, including the gifts and abilities as well as the finances and facilities of the church.
The Sixth Step of Inductive Bible Study is Asking the Big Question, "How is this Passage going to fit into my life?"

This is the step that helps us internalize what we are learning. This is the process of further interpretation, which is determining the meaning of the text. Not just what it says, but what we do with it: to determine how it's going to effect and fit into our life. It is not enough to just know it. It must be rooted in our very hearts, minds and soul!
First off, there is no "method" or process on how to pray, as there is no specific principle on how to talk to your mom or best friend. We just do it. Yes, there is edict, attitude, and good ways versus bad ways to communicate. Thus, God does give us a pattern as a checklist to make sure our time and attitude are lined up to more of His will and less of ours. We must make sure we use our payer time with purpose and effectiveness.
Forgiveness is a direct call from our Lord. It is something extremely special which we are given, and something precious we are to replicate to others. It is not easy. It requires the practice of maturity, the patience to allow the process to unfold, and the tact to endure it. Forgiveness is also a mandate from our Lord. We can take great comfort in knowing that He is...
Here is a roadmap to help yourself and your church, though the Biblical process of solving problems!

As a pastor, I sometimes get involved with every kind of conflict imaginable, from business disputes, personality clashes, monetary discord, land rights, probate, parent teacher issues, and of course, the most common, marital. I leaned over the years, not so much from my degrees in psychology but, rather, my pastoral experience, how to talk my way out of problems.
Decisions! Decisions! & Decisions! In knowing God's Will, each of us faces scores and scores and just a huge amount of choices each day. Confronted by either an employment choice, place to live, who will I marry or which socks shall I wear, we decide from the major to the minor: Yet, most of us have learned there is no easy process to automatically know what God is thinking. Mainly because we clutter our minds with all of our own desires so God's seem to be pushed aside.
Using the Mind that God Gave Us!

God has given us a wonderful gift in knowing God's Will; our mind! We have the ability to process information and to discern our situation. Yet, this is a difficult task. We tend to like the easy way out which does not involve too much thought. This is a result of our fast paced and fast food society, where we want the burger NOW! And we want our information now too.
Study simply means to receive information, then process it with honest astuteness then conforming to the facts if it is valid, helpful and effectual. So it impacts our thinking and experience. For the Bible, it means we are committed to learn and know the Implanted Word which is the message of God conveyed for us through His Bible. In order to be transformed, renewed and be better for the Kingdom of God, ourselves and those around us.

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