Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


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These are tumultuous times, and our nation and the world desperately need prayer. This prayer guide is only a suggestion to help guide you as you pray. No matter how you chose to pray, please keep in mind that desperate times require desperate, heartfelt prayers, which are passionately cried out to our Lord! (Hebrews 4:16)

Here is Prayer Guide your church can use.
"Enjoyed your message, pastor," say the many who meet and greet him at the church's door. All the while, the pastor is curiously racking his grey matter to figure out just what they enjoyed. Wonder why? It must be because this sermon really was good. After all, it sounded so good on the Internet that the pastor "borrowed" it so that his congregation could be as blessed by it as he was.
We, as mature Christian leaders, need to see the distinction of God's providence working in the lives of His people, and the pettiness of our actions. God is in control and He will win, no matter what we do.
The Bible is Value, it is a matter of worth, so what is it worth to you?

"So What" you say?
These are tumultuous times, and our nation and the world desperately need prayer. This prayer guide is only a suggestion to help guide you as you pray. No matter how you chose to pray, please keep in mind that these desperate times require desperate, heartfelt prayers, which are passionately cried out to the Lord.
The study of the Bible matters!

Do you realize that if you are a Christian, and have read the entire Bible, you are in the minority? Does this scare you? Well, it should! If you study the Bible yourself, you are in an even greater minority that even most pastors do not fall into! Yet, all of them would have an opinion of the Bible, teach, and make decisions based on their understanding of the Bible.
What does it take to venture into radical discipleship? Trust! Trust is a response from our faith that pleases God! This is our prime purpose as a Christian: to glorify our Lord and enjoy our relationship in Him! We do this by being in Him with our full trust. It is a pivotal aspect of our growth in Christ, and the intention of sincere due diligence in acting out our faith--no matter what. However, many of us Christians today may sing about it and preach about it; yet, the actual exercise of it is abysmal. We forget that a uthentic faith in Christ as Lord is where our assurance and confidence comes from; that faith is...
The Role, Person, and Work of the Holy Spirit

The essential topic of who and what the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost is, His power, impact, and role in the universe and in our lives, along with why we need to know this has been a hot and abused subject matter during the last several decades. The third Person of the Godhead, the Trinity, has been ignored by some and overly abused and misunderstood by most.
What does the Bible say about Tongues?

This gift is a matter of hot dispute among many theologians in the Pentecostal, Charismatic and Reformed camps. So, all I can do is show you what the Word has to say, not what people think it should say! (This is why I told you to read it first!) A biblical definition of tongues is speaking in a language that you do not know, that you have not learned, so that another person can supernaturally hear the Gospel or message from God through you in their language. Thus, Tongues is supposed to verbally articulate and point to the Gospel of Christ.
Courage realizes that God has given us the strength and ability to now Him!

Abraham in Genesis 22 faced a crisis, which was interpreting God's will as having to kill his son. Abraham had to learn he had to do anything, no matter what the cost, to be totally dependent and obedient to God, no matter how much it went against his convictions and belief system.

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