Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


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A few Key Principles to Jumpstart your Church on the Road to His Path!
We must have the firm desire to surrender ourselves to the will of the Father! However this surrendering we do is not giving up our distinction and personality. It does not make us eunuchs and robots who serve a master out of obligation and employment or out of a predetermined program. It is the refusal to surrender our will that leads us astray and away from His perfect will.
The Arrest of Jesus!
Are you Willing to Improve Your Preaching? What About Your Words?

When we preach, and whether we use a pulpit or not, we are the "vicars" of Christ on earth-His ambassadors and representatives. In addition, we have been given the stewardship of a special call to proclaim His precepts in truth. In so doing, we are to preach in His power, in clarity, and in genuineness with passion and conviction. And, to top it off, we need to make sure our words are edifying and never condescending or evil. Because, when we preach, we are leading others to Christ.
Listening knows to be an effectual leader, you must know how to listen, all its takes is the will to turn it on and let it work.
Hidden? Mysterious? Undeterminable? Ask the average Christian in the pew and they will concede that they passionately desire to know what God is up to in their lives. They want to know God's plan, His will for their Life. So they can better lead their lives. Yet at the same time they will admit their frustrations in seeking it, that their fears creep in saying they cannot live it. Or that it may be just too hard to find. And if you ask them again what they think that will may be, they will utter several self-doubting answers.
Followers is knowing that you cannot lead where you have not been, unless the leader is a good follower of the Lord they cannot lead others effectively!
Why we are called to be A Shepherd?

Do you know where you are going? Do you have not just the vision, but the true Truth of His call and Way? We have to know where the well is before leading others to it! Christ and His precepts are the well, and we follow the path by example, nurture and service with faith, fruit, character and maturity so others can partake of His wonders. We have to know, and to do this, we have to grow. If we are not growing in the faith, we are useless and unable to lead or equip others. We will lord over by pride, teach falsely or sloppily and lead others astray; we will dishonor our Lord.
Inductive Bible study is learning how to exegete the Bible for all its worth with our best efforts. We do this through teaching people tools and skills to help observe the text, dig out the meaning, and then apply it to their lives. Thus, inductive Bible Study enhances the exegesis process by enabling us to read the Bible for more impact, value and significance. In practice, we first examine the ideas and words of the text, then this leads us to the meanings and interpretations, and then we are led to the conclusions and applications.
Often called the Lectio Divina, simply means as we read His Word we can pray too. It is about integrating our prayer and Scripture life for greater spiritual stimulation that leads to greater understanding of our Lord and then greater application of His precepts. As we read God's Word we can and should be praying to our Lord, too. This combines...

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A Bible reading checklist in "Excel" that keeps track of your progress with all kinds of cool graphs and tracking features along with stats on words, verses, encouraging facts, etc. This is also a fund-raising opportunity for us that we think could be a successful addition to your church or ministry spiritual arsenal.
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It is a community of committed believers serving the Lord in a center for research and practicum.
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ITW Radio Opportunity We as a ministry have a wonderful opportunity before us and we need your partnership!
Growing in Christ is the key to growing a faith, a family and a Fellowship!
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