Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


Please click below to view any of the articles in our archive.

The Quintessential way to Grow your Church is to Understand and Implement Hospitality!

Are you a hospitable person? What about with people you do not like? You may not have to invite them into your home, but how do you treat them? How do you treat people at church? Really, how do you? Most people in any given church would say they are not treated well as far as feeling welcomed or connected! Yes, our church is different, and perhaps much better than others, but I believe we can be even better for our Lord's glory!
Jesus is calling us to Love!
When we are not exercising boldness, we will not be able to do missions , in fact we will become Christian cowards. This means we will be held back from what God has called us to do; we will miss the opportunities and connections with others He provides for our growth.
Prayer Part III, Do you feel connected to God when you pray?

To pursue a more vibrant prayer life, we have to be willing and able to saturate ourselves with it and in it! Also, we need a desire to move our prayer life from the occasional extracurricular activity to a passionate pursuit, and carry out prayer sincerely, earnestly, and vibrantly with His Spirit and Truth! This means prayer must become more than a just thing we do; rather, it becomes an attitude and a constant pursuit. We grow beyond our regular prayer times; we still have them, but we no longer limit ourselves to pray just at those times. We realize that...
How is your prayer life? Is prayer your first response for all thoughts and encounters in your life?

Have you ever thought through why you do not spend more time with God? What aspects of your time and commitment hold you back from prayer? Most of us do not have the kind of prayer life we should have; in my experience, most people give up because either they do not know how to pray or they do not understand the significance of prayer. Others may have prayer lives but they are not godly or effectual prayers; these tend to be the prayers with only the self-interests or personal agendas in mind. We may know about prayer, but...
Do you listen to God? Most would emphatically say yes or at least think they do, pay attention to God. Or do we just listen to ourselves or snoop out the faulty trends? Consider these questions, why do you study the Bible? Why do you pray? Why and how do you worship? Is it a two-way communication? Or is it just you dictating to God? Now, consider one of the essential inductive questions that help us know and grow in the Word: what is in the way of my listening to God?
Suffering is an essential aspect of our Christian growth, whether it is mental, physical, financial, or spiritual. It is the main connection that enables the batteries to power us to be the best Christian possible. It is the link between the Holy Spirit and God's perfect plan working in us. Without this vital connection, the power source of our Lord will not be able to prime us for His service. We may have the ability and the power of the Spirit, but the vital link between them is missing. A spark of truth and service may pass between them, so we think we...
In the theme of 'taking up the cross', we see the call for radical discipleship, to fully engage and trust our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in all aspects of life and relationship, in all circumstances and endeavors. This involves and influences all that we are and all that we do. Thus, we must engage Christ as Lord without reservation or condition, further aligned by our gratitude...
Impressions from God's Word 70
Session IV of Love and Relationships!

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It is a community of committed believers serving the Lord in a center for research and practicum.
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ITW Radio Opportunity We as a ministry have a wonderful opportunity before us and we need your partnership!
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