Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


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Why we are called to be A Shepherd?

Do you know where you are going? Do you have not just the vision, but the true Truth of His call and Way? We have to know where the well is before leading others to it! Christ and His precepts are the well, and we follow the path by example, nurture and service with faith, fruit, character and maturity so others can partake of His wonders. We have to know, and to do this, we have to grow. If we are not growing in the faith, we are useless and unable to lead or equip others. We will lord over by pride, teach falsely or sloppily and lead others astray; we will dishonor our Lord.
Under Schaeffer's guidance and vision, ITW and FASICLD were started in Carmel California as a think-tank and Bible literacy project. This endeavor came into fruition the late 70's to strategize how to reach and train pastors and church leaders to focus on Christ centered principles.
God calls us as pastors and church leaders to be a people who shepherd.

Being a Shepherd also means being God's commissioned leader; our Guide is Jesus the Holy One who gently leads us and guides His leaders to care for His flock, the Church. Consider that Jesus comes to us as the Good Shepherd, also a name for Jesus, to rescue His lost sheep. We have all gone astray and have given in to sin; He brings us back to His fold...
What is Going on with the Church in America? True success is being obedient to what God has called us to do and realizing that although we are responsible to serve, we are not responsible for the results. So, what are the marks of a successful church leader?
The Essential Role of Fruit in the Church!

Does your church have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control pouring from its leaders and most of its people, on your campus and into the streets where its people are? If not, something is terribly wrong!
How to Mobilize the People in your church according to their Spiritual Gifts.

This section is primarily for the Church leadership and the Mentor Groups.

A Primer Designed For Use In Leadership Training.

This Primer will direct you through the basics of how to prepare your church for growth, and to be your best for His glory. You may use this personally, to train your leaders, or use with your people to reveal Biblical precepts and ideas on how to run your church effectively.
Are you headed for Burnout?

Pastoral ministry and church leadership is a tiring task. It is filled with all kinds of responsibility and unexpected crises. It produces far more stress than perhaps any other period of Church history.
We have to realize that the Fruit of the Spirit is a "must" endeavor--not a convenience or a mere attitude, nor is it just for children or something to be ignored. Rather, it is a principle hallmark that points to God's Holiness and effectual Christian living. It is not something we are to regulate to the youth departments of the church, thinking we have grown beyond it as adults. Rather, it is the most important thing a Christian and, especially a minister of the Word and church leader, is to be doing. It is who we are to be, growing and maturing as a lifelong journey of our spiritual formation our faith development and deployment.
Tired of people snapping at you?

If you fall away from these questions or refuse to have someone hold you to them, then Satan will have a foothold in your life. These questions are not just for the pastor or church leader, they are for all Christians who want to live a life of integrity. The failure to have no accountability will produce sin. Then it is not a question of if you may fall, but when you will engage in sin and destroy everything.

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It is a community of committed believers serving the Lord in a center for research and practicum.
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ITW Radio Opportunity We as a ministry have a wonderful opportunity before us and we need your partnership!
Growing in Christ is the key to growing a faith, a family and a Fellowship!
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