Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


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The question that the Blood demands is this: Do we fully understand that we have been rescued from sin and darkness and from hopeless despair? Has that hit home? Are you filled with gratitude because of what Christ has done? To venture further in the faith beyond our saving faith, we have to take heed and be encouraged that God is our rescuer! Therefore, we are to respond in gratitude for His provision and gifts!
What does the Blood of Christ mean? Pure and simple, the blood of Jesus was spilt as a sacrifice in our place so that we could have the necessary redemption to be saved! Jesus makes it possible for us to be forgiven of our sins and saved from God's wrath for our sins. Therefore, through the blood, we receive grace-salvation and eternal life.
Christ's atonement literally is by His shed blood, covers our sin so that God does not see it nor is affected by it, so He can forgive, give us grace, and bring us into the kingdom...
The Blood of Christ!
The Passion of Jesus!

Jesus' Crucifixion From A Medical Point of View!

The one thing that kept going through my mind as I researched, wrote, and taught on this subject. Jesus did this for me! He hung on that cross, and went through all this heinous, physical agony of the worst and most intense pain ever devised as torture that a human could conceive and be subjected to. He did this all for me; He took my place; He endured, as an innocent Person, what I deserved as a sinner!
"Be aware of the misrepresentations," a seminary professor told me years ago. Many people claim to be Calvinists, but few will actually read and adhere to what he taught. They have no concern what Scripture teaches, but only for their bloodlines and suppositions.
Session 17: Sacrifice
God calls us to proclaim what we have seen and heard!

When someone asks you to make a profession of faith or give a testimony, does your blood pressure go up? Do you dread it, and begin to sweat, perhaps even panic? Can you think of all kinds of reasons why you should not profess your faith, such as you do not know enough, you are not ready, or that this is not your gift? I know I have in the past. I have a natural fear of public speaking, which you may think is weird for a pastor, but many of us do.
Session 13: The Exodus
The Gospel According to Matthew!

Matthew is the Gospel for us to emulate in servant hood, and commitment to stay on God's path both in our personal lives and collectively as the Body of Christ. This is the pathway to give God the glory, as is our purpose and meaning in life. The Gospel shows our Lord's commitment to us through His being a suffering servant! Perhaps then we can be the Church trumpet that proclaims the cross and the blood while we exercise the heart of a true servant as we respond to the hurts and cries of those around us.

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