Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


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The Need to Read series began several months ago with a program on C.S. Lewis . The rationale for this series is that many of the great writers who have helped many Christians mature are now either unknown or neglected by many who could use these authors' insights into the faith.
Outlining the Bible is the primary means to prepare one to teach the precepts of Scripture in a clear and logical way. This is designed for the pastor, Bible study leader, or curriculum writer to learn how to examine the text and then draw out what is there in a logical and systematic way.
Your Purpose Statement, sometimes called a Mission Statement will encompass all of the precepts we talked about, arranged in a logical and systematic order. Remember, God is the One who guides us, and this Purpose Statement is the mechanism of communication to convey His call to you and the rest of the church.
Mark the grand characteristic of true prayer¾"In the Holy Spirit" (Jude 20). The seed of acceptable devotion must come from Heaven's storehouse. Only the prayer which comes from God can go to God. We must shoot the Lord's arrows back to Him. That desire which He writes upon our hearts will move His heart and bring down a blessing, but the desires of the flesh have no power with Him.
Here is the Bible Reading Chart for using the Inductive Bible Study method. Here you can write down and record all of your observations, what your have learned, your questions and even make a commitment on what you will do with the information from God's most precious Word! Fell free to make copies of this for your personal use, more are available in our book, Into Thy Word!
The Eight Step of Inductive Bible Study is, "WRITE IT DOWN!"

A book chart will help you greatly! This is the step where you keep track of what you learn. By writing it down in an organized fashion, God's Word will become more clear and crisp. We are able to record what God says to us, this way we will be able to take more ownership and then greater transformation. Then can look back and see God at work in our lives and this will be a great encouragement in times of struggle, and in times of joy. Plus, now you have notes to refer back to and even teach from!
Asking me to write about Fasting is like asking a dog to walk on two legs. The dog can do it, but he cannot do it very long nor can he do it very well. I am a person who does not like to skip a meal, who thinks a good buffet is a good way to worship God because He bestows us with blessings. At the same time, I value the importance of Fasting. Having practiced Fasting off and on for many years-sometimes even dreading to start it and thankful when it was over-I learned a few things I wish to impart to you...
The Woman in Adultery!
Thousands of years ago, the Spirit of God began mobilizing what would eventually become an army of writers to take up parchment and pen to write letters, poetry, biographies, history, and sermons that would eventually be placed into our hands. For centuries, God's people have poured over these writers' words in an effort to grasp what would otherwise be impossible to know: God's character and ways.

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