Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


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The God who ordains the ends (from creation to salvation) and numbers our hairs, also ordains the means to the ends...
What is Worship? Part II

Are you being impacted by Christ or just your ideas of praise and worship?

Impacting worship simply means that God is impacting you and you are letting Him know so, so He can continue to impact you and others around you. We are an offering to Him, an acknowledgment of His sovereignty and Lordship over our personal lives and over us as a church. It is experiencing His greatness come upon us and our response of praise that enables us to see Him for who He is and what He has done. In so doing, we can...
Prayer Part II Matthew 6: 5-15; 7: 7-12

How can I pray? What if I have never been taught how to personally pray or to talk to God? What if I grew up in a church that never had conversational or personal prayer? What if I only know liturgy? What if I offend God? If you think that you do not know how to pray, you need to ask yourself, do I know how to talk and listen? If you know how to talk to another person, then you know how to pray! Prayer is basically our communication with the Great Sovereign God of the Universe who wants the best for us and to hear from us!
Session 5: God the Creator!
Impressions from God's Word 76
What does Providence Mean?

Providence is the doctrine that gives us the knowledge and comfort that God is sovereign, and thus, He is in control. We are not mere rats in a meaningless maze, where there is no divine plan or purpose.
Impressions from God's Word 73
What comes into our minds when we think about God?

The sovereignty of God basically means that God is God, and He is in complete control, He is the Creator, King, and Sustainer of the universe. God can do as He pleases, as He wishes, without constraint; He has no limits or confines. Nothing else in concept or reality can move or exercise power or influence over Him. Nothing can have direction or permission outside of His knowledge and control. God's purpose is all-comprehensive and can never be thwarted.
Jesus is God!
Impressions from God's Word 54

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