Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


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How is you ministry going? Really? Have you ever thought and prayed about taking a self-assessment to see how you are doing so you can honestly find out if your daily activates, relationships, and teaching are lined up to Christ or to something else?
Throughout recorded human history, humanity has gathered with one another for trade, and protection, as well as organization for gathering food, hunting, and relationships within a structure which translates into control and government. Kingdom means government; it is our need to be...
This is the classic article to show you how to better understand and study the Bible inductively! Obedience and faith is a trust relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that we learn and grow from our efforts of getting into the Bible, seeking God's counsel and applying His true-Truth and precepts to our lives and churches. This is used overseas to train tens of thousands of pastors on how to teach the Bible, prepare basic sermons and for them to know, grow and lead others to God's rich pastures in the Word.
Not as duty but desire, not as law but love, not as demand but delight, not as necessity but privilege, not as ritual but relationship, not "in order to" but "because of."
Some of the most important examples and principles of prayer can be found in the Old Testament accounts of the relationship between different people and God.
The capable Bible student is rooted and grounded in the spiritual disciplines of the faith, whose drive is their passionate love relationship to the Lordship of Christ. And what flows out of it is the desire to love God's people, to herd them with love into the pastures of maturity.
Leading your heart-not letting your heart lead you!

The world tells us that to be in love and have that perfect marriage; we have to follow our heart. Is this true? Does this work? Is it biblical? Are we to really follow our heart? Does what the heart wants really what is best? Is there something we can do...
How can we restrain our desires to manipulate, control, and to be aggressive, and repair relationships instead? Simply by realizing whom we are before a Holy God and the undeserving gift that is ours! Primary conflict is in us, so we need to control the sin that encroaches us-something Cain failed to do.
God calls us to confess!

We need to look to God's Word as the primary example for our interpersonal relationships and to the ways we confront, extol, and exhort people with love and care. There are scores of examples of conflict in Scripture and how it was handled properly and improperly.
Fruit of the Spirit, Part IV

Just before the great passage in Galatians that expounds the Fruit of the Spirit comes a warning and a list of the opposites of the good Fruit, the destroyers of churches, relationships, and self! This all comes down to our willingness to either live a life that is led by the Spirit or one that is led by our flesh, that of our pride and will.

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It is a community of committed believers serving the Lord in a center for research and practicum.
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ITW Radio Opportunity We as a ministry have a wonderful opportunity before us and we need your partnership!
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