Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


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Preparing for our Pastoral Lives with the Right Mindset Part II

The key to building and leading a healthy church is to be a good and healthy pastor (and leader)! Yet, so few of us in ministry take this seriously or make this a priority! We tend to chase trends and our personal agendas and not pursue HIM!
How is your Ministry Going?

We are going to explore what are the key ingredients that make a good healthy Pastor. Thus, these articles are written to pastors, whose call is to shepherd their flock. However, these curriculums can also be used to hone anyone in Christian service and leadership. It is my prayer that we can carryout our pastoral and leadership lives with the right mindset of what is really important in life and ministry that pleases and glorifies our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
The call to be Transformed

Nehemiah 8; John 3:30; Romans 12:1-3; 2 Timothy 2:15; James 1:22-25

We meet with God for the expressed reason to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. This is an act of worship for us to think right without distractions or personal agendas; look upon God as our Loving Lord Master as well as Motivator. Then we will be able to grow through the ordeals of life, the ups and downs focusing on how can I be approve to focus on what God's will is, to know Him, place Him first and foremost as His prime pleasing and perfect will. As to be ...
Gossip is Evil and Gossip destroys! "There is no better way to start conflict, than to spread gossip!"

Most Christians have not let Christ transform them beyond the first stage of salvation; especially in their way of thinking and mindset. This places a limit on how and what Christ is able to accomplish in their lives. Therefore, the result of this behavior is that gossip becomes a normal practice. So most Christians listening to or spreading the news are not aware that it is wrong, because their experience and minds tell them it's okay...
The Sixth Step of Inductive Bible Study is Asking the Big Question, "How is this Passage going to fit into my life?"

This is the step that helps us internalize what we are learning. This is the process of further interpretation, which is determining the meaning of the text. Not just what it says, but what we do with it: to determine how it's going to effect and fit into our life. It is not enough to just know it. It must be rooted in our very hearts, minds and soul!
In Matthew 10:34-42, Jesus calls us to take up the cross. This passage goes against the grain of most Christian mindsets, just as it did when Jesus first gave it. Yet, it is essential for us to understand who we are in Christ and allow His empowerment to come into our relationships. What does this mean? How does this affect my relationship with God, my relationship with self and with others?
How well do you know the Enemy?

Satan is not just a product of TV shows such as "Charmed", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" or "Angel", nor is he from the minds of some Hollywood special effects wizards, such as in the movie "Legend". He's a dangerous killer. By knowing the names, roles and strategies of Satan, we can prepare ourselves for his attacks!
Preparing for marriage with the right attitude and mindset!

We all desire and seek love and companionship to fill an empty hole we think we have. For some singles, this is the driving force in their life, as it was for me at one time. Yet, as Christians, our primary purpose in life is to serve and glorify God, and fulfill the call of the destiny that He gives us. This translates into who we are and how we should be.
Decisions! Decisions! & Decisions! In knowing God's Will, each of us faces scores and scores and just a huge amount of choices each day. Confronted by either an employment choice, place to live, who will I marry or which socks shall I wear, we decide from the major to the minor: Yet, most of us have learned there is no easy process to automatically know what God is thinking. Mainly because we clutter our minds with all of our own desires so God's seem to be pushed aside.
What comes into our minds when we think about God?

The sovereignty of God basically means that God is God, and He is in complete control, He is the Creator, King, and Sustainer of the universe. God can do as He pleases, as He wishes, without constraint; He has no limits or confines. Nothing else in concept or reality can move or exercise power or influence over Him. Nothing can have direction or permission outside of His knowledge and control. God's purpose is all-comprehensive and can never be thwarted.

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