Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


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The First Step of Inductive Bible Study is preparing yourself to Study the Bible!

Before you can successfully engage God's most precious Word, you must: Know that the Scriptures is our primary means of knowing God, learning His precepts and growing in His grace. We must be willing to not just read the Bible, but be willing to obey God's decrees! It is not about you, it is about God! Make it your choice and work out you salvation hard with a surrendered will to His!
One of the primary purposes and call of Into Thy Word Ministries is to research, develop and provide Pastoral Training Curriculum! We have been training pastors and missionaries overseas since 1988 and we would like to provide you what you need too.
A vision will have your primary call from Scripture, to hear and obey His Word!
"Take my life and let it be, consecrated, Lord, to Thee" is probably Frances Ridley Havergal's best-known hymn, and it is a fitting summary of her life. It was her whole-hearted devotion to God that characterised everything about her. What we find in her hymns is an expression of her heart's desire to know Christ better; and to serve Him more devotedly
Is prayer at your church dull, dry, and boring? Why?

We have a God who elected to choose us and selected us for a purpose, and one of the primary calls is for us to be in touch with our Creator and loving Lord.
Outlining the Bible is the primary means to prepare one to teach the precepts of Scripture in a clear and logical way. This is designed for the pastor, Bible study leader, or curriculum writer to learn how to examine the text and then draw out what is there in a logical and systematic way.
The Incarnation simply means God came to be a man. He was fully man while remaining fully God. The Incarnation fulfills God's purpose, as Christ the Creator submitted to the Father in His manifestation into humanity, becoming Fully God and Fully Human, to become and serve humanity, this was His ultimate triumph. He is Holy and as the "incarnate Son," remained loyal and obedient to His own precepts and the challenge of sin and worldliness.
How can we restrain our desires to manipulate, control, and to be aggressive, and repair relationships instead? Simply by realizing whom we are before a Holy God and the undeserving gift that is ours! Primary conflict is in us, so we need to control the sin that encroaches us-something Cain failed to do.
God calls us to confess!

We need to look to God's Word as the primary example for our interpersonal relationships and to the ways we confront, extol, and exhort people with love and care. There are scores of examples of conflict in Scripture and how it was handled properly and improperly.
A primary giving of love is self-disclosure. "Only when we are willing to put our true selves on the line, to be taken for better or for worse, to be accepted or rejected, does true interpersonal encounter begin. Martin Luther's first law of successful prayer was, 'Don't lie to God!' We must tell him the truth of our thoughts, desires and feelings, whatever they may be."

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