Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


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God's Word will never pass away, but looking back to the Old Testament and since the time of Christ, with tears we must say that because of lack of fortitude and faithfulness on the part of God's people, God's Word has many times been allowed to be bent, to conform to the surrounding, passing, changing culture of that moment rather than to stand as the inerrant Word of God judging the form of the world spirit and the surrounding culture of that moment. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, may our children and grandchildren not say that such can be said about us.
This is the classic article to show you how to better understand and study the Bible inductively! Obedience and faith is a trust relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that we learn and grow from our efforts of getting into the Bible, seeking God's counsel and applying His true-Truth and precepts to our lives and churches. This is used overseas to train tens of thousands of pastors on how to teach the Bible, prepare basic sermons and for them to know, grow and lead others to God's rich pastures in the Word.
How is your Ministry Going?

We are going to explore what are the key ingredients that make a good healthy Pastor. Thus, these articles are written to pastors, whose call is to shepherd their flock. However, these curriculums can also be used to hone anyone in Christian service and leadership. It is my prayer that we can carryout our pastoral and leadership lives with the right mindset of what is really important in life and ministry that pleases and glorifies our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
A classic definition for Christian Missions is proclaiming the Gospel message outside of your culture, as in "going to serve at a great distance." It is taking the message of Jesus Christ where He has not been found or has not been preached before as in unreached peoples groups. However...
Jesus Christ is Lord and God!
The Resurrection is the heart of Christianity, the ultimate climax that has come for the Church and for the Christian! It gives us our eternal life, hope for the future, and effectual life for today. It encompasses all of our Lord's life and mission and the incredible undeserved miracle of our redemption! The history of humanity, our fallen state, the move of our Lord through time and history and our lives were interwoven to the finishing point. Jesus Christ lived on our behalf. He has died in our places to absorb God's wrath and pay our debt of sin; Easter, the Resurrection, tells how He rises back to life, conquering death, and giving us new life by His victory and the product of grace for a life of fulfillment and fullness!
A 31 Day Encounter with Jesus.

This is an excellent Bible Reading plan to start out with, or use to refresh yourselves in Him. In just a few minutes a day for a month, you will be stronger in your faith and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
Entire dependence upon the merits and mediation of the Lord Jesus Christ, as the only ground of any claim for blessing...
Jesus' Life Story was Predicted and Described Centuries Before His Birth.

No other person has influenced the history of the world as much as Jesus.
Those of us who are privileged to represent our Lord Jesus Christ in the arts should be galvanized by mission, not by ambition; by mandate, not by accolades; by love for the Master, not by the allurements of this world.

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