Our Confession of Faith, Chapter 28, Section 5, makes it very clear that our subordinate standards do not teach Baptismal Regeneration: "Although it be a great sin to condemn or neglect this ordinance, yet grace and salvation are not so inseparably annexed unto it, as that no person can be regenerated or saved without it, or that all that are baptized are undoubtedly regenerated."
Of Faith and Doubt: Part II
How one can overcome the fears, worries, hurts, and doubts of life and have more faith! We have three passages that deal with storms, being tossed in the sea of life, and confusion, dealing with issues of faith and doubt before a loving God who rescues us
How one can overcome the fears, worries, hurts, and doubts of life and have more faith! Faith gives us hope, meaning we can have confidence in God for our future that is in His hands, and how we can also have confidence because He will lead us out of our past.
Confirmation, How to Follow by Faith.
Life seems like putting together a puzzle without looking at the picture on the box. In knowing God's Will we pray and hope we are doing it right, but sometimes its like working in the dark. God's will is a mystery; there is no doubt about it. Mainly because we are not mature enough to handle the truth of what is ahead. If we do know, then we are likely to be cowards and flee! So, God reveals his plan to us slowly, just as you start feeding a toddler. You start slowly and gradually increase in the amount and types of food. Only God knows for sure what our finished life will be like...
Hidden? Mysterious? Undeterminable? Ask the average Christian in the pew and they will concede that they passionately desire to know what God is up to in their lives. They want to know God's plan, His will for their Life. So they can better lead their lives. Yet at the same time they will admit their frustrations in seeking it, that their fears creep in saying they cannot live it. Or that it may be just too hard to find. And if you ask them again what they think that will may be, they will utter several self-doubting answers.
Faith is Seeking Wisdom and Overcoming Doubt!
Surrender means we trust our Lord Jesus Christ in all things without doubt or fault in our faith. We let go our hold on our perceived rights, agendas, and opinions that are not lined up to His. In this way, we can surrender to His love and embrace God's will for our lives, live His Way in holiness, and become a benefit to the lives of others. We come before God and under new management-His. The Discipline of Surrender is a discipline because we have to make it a daily decision and practice. It is something we