Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


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The Third Step of Inductive Bible Study is Asking, "What Does this Passage Say?"

Observation is taking a careful look of what is going on. And we have to know what is going on before we can act on a plan or action. Bible students must know the Word themselves before they can teach it. Start with the simple questions and as you progress you will start to see more and ask more. Not every question will apply to every passage, perhaps only a couple will out of dozens. Remember, these are just tools; He is the means and reason why we study.
A paradox is an apparent contradiction that under careful study reveals a deeper truth.
When we take careful view of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, we see three areas of responsibility that we are called to do. John 15 expresses these three priorities all together beautifully, and I list several other passages that support these essential priorities, just turn to a concordance and see for yourself. Out of these priorities, we can take God's Word and contextualize it to the streets and to the direct needs of the people, so they can come to the knowledge of our Lord.
Faithful to my Lord's commands, I still would chose the better part; Serve with careful Martha's hands And loving Mary's heart...
Live Wise
Faithful to my Lord's commands, I still would chose the better part; Serve with careful Martha's hands And loving Mary's heart...
God's wisdom is seen by His grace, which provides us a way out of our sinful nature, by the means of redemption. This was His choice, His decision, for His glory. God works by choosing us and then, God gives us the means to carry out His plan. In knowing God's Will, whatever decision or dilemma you face, relationships, money, career or whatever… you can rest assured that God has an example and advice for you to follow.
Obedience is the practice of our pure loyalty to our Lord to go all out in faith. It helps us focus on Him and what He has done for us so we change from the inside out, our inward renovation becoming Christ-like to undergo His will, mind, and precepts. Obedience means having perfect confidence in Christ so we daily present ourselves to God as our LORD. We are essentially putting our faith into practice. We carefully seek what God requires of us and then align our lives with Him and His standards and call to the best of our
We specialize in developing in-depth, inductive based Bible resources that are carefully researched.

One of the primary purposes and call of Into Thy Word Ministries is to research, develop and provide Pastoral Training Curriculum! We have been training pastors and missionaries overseas since 1988 and we would like to provide you what you need too.
Main Text: "Be careful not to neglect the Levites as long as you live in your land." Deuteronomy 12:19
Objective: To recognize the importance of our giving of tithes and offerings.

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