Is the Character of Flexibility working in you?
Here is how you can find out. Take a careful look at this character, this Fruit of Flexibility, from God's most precious Word, by examining the passages below. Now ask yourself:
- How do I exhibit Flexibility in my daily life?
- What can I do to develop a better willingness to be Adaptable with my time and resources-without compromising Biblical principles-so I am able to consider and value the role and opinion of others?
- What blocks Flexibility from working and being exhibited in me?
- How can I make Flexibility function better, stronger, and faster, even in times of uncertainly and stress?
· Here are positive examples from Scripture (Genesis 12; Mark 1:16-18; Matthew 2:7-12; Acts 25:9-12; Philippians 1:23)
· Here are negative examples from Scripture (Genesis 19:12-28; 1 Samuel 15: 1-30; Matthew 18:21-35; Luke 10:38-42)
Flexibility is being open to the plans and ideas of others, and willing to be instructed and challenged to change for the better. You have to be willing to bend; if not, your relationship will break. This character will help us see the big picture, how people and events are all interlinked with a sovereign God at the controls. In this way, we can see that our plans and ways are not autonomous; we can trust God, go with His flow, and make the most of opportunities and relationships. Therefore, we will be able to make changes in our plans and ideas to accommodate others, and fit the situation, centered upon Scriptural precepts (Psalms 40:8; Luke 14:27; Colossians 3:1-2; 2 Timothy 2:4; 1 John 2:15-17).
Inflexibility, Stubbornness, Arduousness, Conceit, and Self-Importance are all opposites. These traits are steeped in pride and are a heinous sight before our loving and Holy Lord! We see ourselves as the center, the key to the universe-or, at the very least, of what and who is around us. Therefore, we base all of our decisions on our needs and feelings, ignoring others, not seeing the big picture or being accommodating in order to make the right decisions and go in the right directions.
Further Questions
- How would you define Flexibility? Are you an adaptable person? If so, what about when you have already made up your mind, or spent significant time and resources on your idea?
- What part does Flexibility play in your relationships with church members, friends, coworkers, and family?
- How does being Conceited counteract Flexibility? What is the cost to others (God, family, friends, neighbors, church, workplace, etc.) when you are a person who is inflexible?
- What happens to your relationship with God, with others, and with the opportunities God gives you, when you only consider your ideas and plans?
- When have you been filled with Flexibility the most?
- Can you think of a situation where you failed to be Adaptable although you should have been? Do you like to complain, or gossip critically, about others? If so, how does this glorify God and exhibit good character?
- What issue is in your life that would improve with more Flexibility? Do you just give your opinion, or do you listen to others, too?
- Think through the steps you need to take to put Flexibility into action in a specific instance, such as, how can I be willing to change my ideas or plans to accommodate others? Are there activities I have that interfere with family, friends or God call, if so what do I need to do? How can I be more enthusiastic when others express themselves or when other ideas and plans come up?
Flexibility will allow us to see our "delight" in the Lord, not in our plans or schedules. If you want to grow in faith, and in relationships, you have to be willing to stretch your Will so it can accommodate others. Yes, we need to set goals and have the best plans possible for our life's direction and time management. We do this by gathering all of the essential information, thinking, spending a lot of time in prayer, and seeking godly advice. We also need to think through how it will affect all those in our life now, as well as its consequences in the future. That way, we can take the best course of action. And, when things do not go as planned, we can make course corrections-or even change ships!
One of the biggest reasons why businesses fail is because they do not adapt to changes in the market. I do not have a motorcycle because I am way too clumsy, but I still love them. There used to be hundreds of motorcycle manufactures in the
By being flexible, we are able to see how others can help and challenge us. We can see how everyone in our lives are placed there, by God, for a particular reason. We can see how God works and uses various people to touch our lives, and us to touch theirs. We have to be accommodating, and eliminate pride, so we can make the most of our lives and take the opportunities He gives us with excitement, even when it means our original plans are scrubbed. Perhaps our plans were not carefully thought through, or the timing was wrong, or we did not take into account how it would affect us or others down the road. Maybe our plans are better, but for the sake of relationships we adjust to others. The result will be better, because relationships are more important than plans.
© 2003 R. J. Krejcir, Into Thy Word Ministries