Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105


The Lord's Prayer as a Pattern of Prayer

By Robert B. Munger
You have begun the good work. You will complete it for your glory. Amen.

Suggestion: After praying for oneself, pray by name for others one by one. Me-John-Mary.

Monday:"Father," today let (me, John, Mary) be assured that you are my Father in truth, knowing all about me, caring infinitely for me, to be trusted in every situation to be working for my good. (The more specific the prayer the better.)

Tuesday:"Hallowed be your name. " Father, today may you know joy because of me, that in my problems and perplexities, my faults and my failures, my satisfactions and my successes at the deepest level of my being, I am trusting you and want your name honored.

Wednesday:"Your Kingdom rule in every your will and moment of the come, your will be done." Father, may you aspect of the life of me. Help me to know do it instantly and joyfully through every day.

Thursday:"Give us today our daily bread." Father, you know the heart hungers, the longings of the soul within me, which no one else may know. Meet those needs. Strengthen me, supply me this day with the Bread from Heaven.

Friday:"Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. " Father help me to be honest, open and right with you and others, particularly where relationships are tense, uncomfortable and guarded. May your unconditioned and everlasting acceptance of us sinners liberate us to forgive and love.

Saturday:"Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." Father keep me from any misstep. Protect me from the adversary. May every testing mature and strengthen me in your purpose. Deliver me from discouragement and keep me in your peace.

Sunday:"For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory. " Father, today I praise you for all you are doing in my life.

You have begun the good work. You will complete it for your glory. Amen.



© 1988  Into Thy Word Ministries From the teaching notes of Robert B. Munger and R. J. Krejcir

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