Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105



By Robert B. Munger
Man shall not live by- bread alone"

The Scriptures is our primary means of knowing God and growing in His grace.

"Man shall not live by- bread alone"

The Scriptures is our primary means of knowing God and growing in His grace.

Joshua 1:7-8; Ps. 1, 19, 119; Mt. 4:1-11, 7:24-29; John 8:31-32, 15:1-11;

Col. 3:12-17; II Tim. 3:15-16; Hebrews 4:12; J Peter 1: 22-2:2.

Some suggestions for hearing and receiving the Scriptures into our mind, heart and life.

1. Study with purpose.

  • To be with God, and deepen your personal knowledge and relationship with Him, this is our priority in life! Ps. 27:8
  • To be with Jesus and learn of and from Him. Phil. 3:10; I John 1 :3-4
  • To let the Bible be a window on God and a mirror on self. James 1:21
  • To know and do God's will. Mt. 7:24-29, Rom. 12:2, Col. 1:9
  • To be strengthened in faith and obedience. Rom. 15:4.
  • To be equipped and ready for Christ's service. I! Tim. 3:15-16

2. Study with proper sense of our ultimate Reality.

  • God, being God, is to be the most important Person in our lives, honored heard, known and worshipped.
  • God, being God, should have primary place in our lives, recognized, trusted, served with joy.
  • God, being God, is to be trusted, loved and enjoyed.

3. Study with expectation.

  • He has a personal word for us. Mt. 4:4; Ps. 119:25; 28, 50, 72, 89, 90, 105, 130; Prov. 6:20-23; Ps. 40:7-8; Jer. 15:16, 23-29, etc.

4.Study with a plan: consecutive reading, book study, topical study, verse by verse. Luke 24:27, Acts 17:11

5. Study with a pencil and notebook.

  • "Thoughts disentangle themselves and are clarified passing through the fingertips onto a page.'
  • Address the paragraph with questions such as: Who? Where? When? What? Why? What does it say about God? About myself? Any example to follow? Error to avoid? Duty to perform? Promise to receive? Prayer to offer?
  • Write your reflections in first person singular.

6. Study with personal application in mind.

  • Write down what you are going to do about it. Ja. 1:22-25

7. Study with willing to give an eager response."Walk in the Light." Mt. 7:22-29; Mark 4:1-29; Luke 11:28; John 8:12; I John 1 :5-7.

8. Study with quiet confidence in God. Mt.14: 22-33; Mt. 8:5-13; John 15:1-17; Eph. 3:20; James 4:3; Jude 24-25.

9. Share what you have learned with others. Mt. 28

© 1988  Into Thy Word Ministries From the teaching notes of Robert B. Munger and R. J. Krejcir

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