Be an Encourager!
Hijo mio, si recibieres mis palabras, y mis mandamientos guardares
adentro de ti, haciendo estar atento tu oído a la sabiduria; si inclinares tu corazón a la prudencia, si clamares a la inteligencia, y a la prudencia dié res tu voz; si como a la plata buscares, y la escrudinares como a tesoros, entonces entenderás el temor de Jehova, y hallarás el conocimento de Dios.
Had Jesus become a dangerous liberal with new ideas, when he argued against the orthodoxy of his day in the Sermon on the Mount? His "But I say unto you...." condemned what had become their traditional teaching. Even the disciples were stunned. He called little children into his audience. Once he pushed off his own family, mother included, when preaching to the crowd about the kingdom to come.
One of the primary purposes and call of Into Thy Word Ministries is to research, develop and provide Pastoral Training Curriculum! We have been training pastors and missionaries overseas since 1988 and we would like to provide you what you need too.
Remember this important fact; the Prime Directive for Spiritual Gifts is for service to God's family! As you grow in the understanding and use of your Spiritual Gifts, you will realize that you are in a relationship of dependence upon Christ.
A.C.T.S is an acronym or axiom that points us to the Lord's Prayer and other Scripture, and gives us precepts so we can divide up our time and purpose to engage in prayer with a correct devotion and attitude. "ACTS" refers to the percepts of prayer-the categories of Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication.
This book is about helping you understand the Bible and enabling you to teach others how to study the Bible in a simple, clear, and concise way. We have included in our Book a 15-week curriculum specifically designed for High School Youth.
How to live on a shoestring budget for anyone.
Our education no longer tells us something about the sweep of human drama through time and in different places. It no longer invites us to enter a foreign culture through its language and religion. It does not teach us that perspective is a concept that binds mathematics, philosophy and art together in a bundle of perception. There is little thrill and frustration in the discovery of the continuity of human history.
Minimizes arrogance and removes pride.