Preaching Helps

Preaching, good sermonizing that is, is taking the precepts of Scripture and proclaiming them to your people in Love and in Truth!
We are called to do so with Passion (our love and gratitude for Christ), in Power (His), with Conviction (we believe and practice what we say), with Clarity (we do our best to present others God's principles) and in Truth (we say what it says and not what it does not)!


Hermeneutics is about how to prepare sermons. Hermeneutics is the science and art of Biblical interpretation. It is a science because it is guided by rules within a system; and it is an art because the application of the rules is by skill, and not by mechanical imitation. Here is a complete guide to how to effectively research and prepare biblical, impacting, true and relevant sermons to your congregation. All the tools you need to know!


Those who hear us preach ought to be able to go back to the Scriptures, Berean like (Acts 17:11), tracing the same truth we have brought out from them, and see that what has been preached is not only true in general, but truth drawn from the preaching portion we have used.


Some Valuable NOTES on BIBLICAL PREACHING by the foremost expert on the subject!
The following is something I put together for myself after reading John Stott's book Between Two Worlds on preaching.

A dull preacher is a contradiction; if he is dull he is not a preacher-Bible dullness is impossible.

Preaching Thoughts

Preaching Thoughts for Pastors


Scripture Twisting: What the Bible Says About Homosexuality

Activists, repudiating the obvious meaning of Scripture, run the risk of the sin of unbelief.


"Enjoyed your message, pastor," say the many who meet and greet him at the church's door. All the while, the pastor is curiously racking his grey matter to figure out just what they enjoyed. Wonder why? It must be because this sermon really was good. After all, it sounded so good on the Internet that the pastor "borrowed" it so that his congregation could be as blessed by it as he was.

The Difference Between Preaching and Yelling

"Preaching is not people hearing you, it's you hearing from God." Dalton was bewildered at his father's presumption that he could tell him about ministry, and he turned to walk away.

See our Channel on Exegetical Bible Study and Inductive Bible Study for the resources on how to dig out the precepts of the Bible to make a good sermon.


More articles on how to be a good preacher on our Pastor's Page and Schaeffer Institute Pages
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