This is Jesus' most common title for Himself. It is used eighty-one times in the Gospels, and it is never used by anyone else but Jesus. It is...
Many Christians today are proclaiming that theology is not important or needed; all we need to do is to love Jesus. We have a big problem in the church today as doctrine disappears from the pulpit and the airways, and is replaced by what "feels good" or what we feel is needed. When theology disappears from the church and its leaders, we will have a "free for all" of what we think is truth. All that will accomplish is...
This is a template to understanding the basics of prayer from what Jesus taught.
Understanding and Implementing Communion.
Communion means we are to Celebrate the Lord's Supper/Communion. This was instituted by Jesus on the night before His Crucifixion. He told the Disciples that the cup of wine...
His ultimate answer, His resurrection, ascension, and outpoured spirit...
Jesus is to be our center, the reason for our being! And if we keep placing Him first, then we become God's will!
Have you considered that pride is in the same category as the 'big' sins of homosexuality, adultery and the like? Perhaps you are shocked? Maybe you never thought through how pride impacts others, or it's impact on our sanctification, or how God feels about it? Well check our Romans 1: 26-32!
We need to put out the effort and do.
Rom. 12:1-3 tells us "to present ourselves as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to God…" just like a Marine finishing boot camp and placing himself for duty; so must we place ourselves in His service. We are to offer ourselves daily! Before our feet hit the ground when we get out of bed, our focus is to be in His will! Jesus is our supreme commander, so say "Yes sir, here I am, ready for service!"
Obedience is the foundation of knowing God's will. Without obedience, nothing can happen. For us to be the friend of Jesus, He asks us to, "…lay down our life for His friends…" We must make a conscious decision to give ourselves to Christ. This is not a suicide clause, not at all! What it is about is a life filled with giving wonder and excitement. Yet, it goes against our natural way of thinking and this is where our will collides with God's will. And, we have the choice to obey or face difficulties. So, let us do it with cheerfulness and...
Jesus calls us to know and be for Him; that is to be nourished and grow, as a plant is nourished and grows. As a plant sinks its roots deeper into the soil to receive richer nourishment, so to know the will of God we must sink our will into the depth of Christ and yield to His riches and splendor. Our relationship to Christ is not about a way of thinking or a particular theology but it is to Christ Himself.
What does the Blood of Christ mean? Pure and simple, the blood of Jesus was spilt as a sacrifice in our place so that we could have the necessary redemption to be saved! Jesus makes it possible for us to be forgiven of our sins and saved from God's wrath for our sins. Therefore, through the blood, we receive grace-salvation and eternal life.