
SEX How far is to far?

By Dr. Richard J. Krejcir
Young People need to set standards before they get into tempting situations! Because the decisions they make today will effect them for the rest of their lives! We can best do this by understanding what true love is and what God calls us to do! And by living in those standards even in dating!
Junior High Lesson "How far is to far?"

Bold = most important questions, do them first and others if you feel you have time or group is not talkative 

Rom.  12:1-3; 9; 1 Cor. 10:13; 13:4-7  

Theme: Young People need to set standards before they get into tempting situations! Because the decisions they make today will effect them for the rest of their lives! We can best do this by understanding what true love is and what God calls us to do! And by living in those standards even in dating!  

1.  Read Rom 12: 1-3; 9


2.  Ask what is the "big idea" about the Rom 12?


3.  Ask how would a jock, or surfer, or Marine, or police officer, or president of the USA, or teacher in public school, or rapper, or ??? react to this passage? Can you role play their reactions?


4.  Put Rom. 12: 1-3 in your own words.


5.  What does this have to do with sex?


6.  Read John 15:12-14 ask what can you do specifically to demonstrate biblical love?


7.  Say, The big idea is we are to express our love for God by being encouraging and loving to each other; Including in our dating and various relationships.


8.  Think of someone in your school who is different or new; What do you usually do for and to them?


9.  What does God require of you?


10.  What can you do specifically to a person who may be an outcast to express this passage?


11.  Read 1 Cor. 10:13; 13:4-7


12. What do you think of this idea; "When a couple is "hot and heavy", fondling each other, they lose site of God's values and focus on their pleasure".


Say, This is why we have to set standards first before we are in the back of a car with steam tinted windows! When we wait for the situation to happen, then it will be to late!


13.  Linda is 14 years old and is doing everything with her boy friend except intercourse (not playing PS II), what advise would you give her, in light of the Rom. and I Cor. passage?


14.  Read the theme, or place it in your own words.  


Close in prayer


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